54 Generalized Scale Invariance
and their environment is a common process. The results are compatible
with upscale propagation of vorticity structures, shaped by the land–sea
distribution and carried by a positive feedback between long-tailed velocity
distributions in molecules, turbulent vorticity structures, and the jet stream
core, to maintain the jet stream itself.
There was no correlation of the vertical scaling exponents H(T) and
H(RH) from the dropsonde data with either the depth of the jet streams
or with the magnitude of the vertical shears of the horizontal wind speed.
There was however, significant correlation of the vertical, dropsonde-
derived H(s) with these quantities for all three categories of jet stream,
see Figure 4.10a for the correlation with depth of the jet stream. There is
some separation of the subtropical jet stream exponents from those of the
polar front and stratospheric polar night jet streams on this plot. Figure
4.10b shows a cleaner correlation of H(s) with the vertical shear of the
horizontal wind, echoing that found in the horizontal for the stratospheric
polar night jet stream (Tuck et al. 2004), with little evidence of separation
among the three latitude bands.
The correlation of H(s)with jet stream depth, and the concomitant corre-
lation with the vertical shear of the horizontal wind, underlines the remarks
in Gill (1982) and White (2002) on the dynamics of wind in the presence
of hydrostatic balance, especially the quantitative aspects. The fact that
the vertical scaling of the horizontal wind in the troposphere and low-
ermost stratosphere yields an observational link between the small scale
turbulent structure and the large scale manifestation of jet streams echoes
the behaviour reported earlier for the horizontal wind speed of the SPNJ
(Stratospheric Polar Night Jet) higher up in the stratosphere (Tuck et al.
2004). Both results demonstrate the utility of generalized scale invariance
(Schertzer and Lovejoy 1985, 1987, 1991) in bringing coherence to an oth-
erwise unruly set of high resolution, precise, and accurate airborne and
dropsonde data.
While scaling is still respected in the vertical, for both dropsonde and
aircraft data, we have no explanation for the observed deviations of the
numerical values of the exponents and their ratios from those predicted
by generalized scale invariance, which has hitherto between successful in
accounting for the scaling behaviour observed in ‘horizontal’ flight in the
lower stratosphere (Lovejoy et al. 2001, 2004; Tuck et al. 2002, 2003a, b,
2004, 2005).
Two further conceptual conclusions have been drawn from H
ses of the high-resolution vertical data from the dropsondes. One of these
is that apparently stable layers in the atmosphere actually have embedded
unstable layers, each of which in turn has embedded stable layers and so
on in a ‘Russian doll’ structure which constitutes a fractal set (Lovejoy
et al. 2007b). This structure is not evident when the vertical resolution is
degraded from 5 m to 500 m, as may be seen from Figure 4.11. In general