26 Relevant Subjects
and treatment on a statistical and multifractal basis, as we shall see in
Chapter 4. The scale dependence of x means that scale invariance has not
been destroyed, but has become anisotropic, multiscaling and requiring
three exponents to describe the scaling.
The intermittency observed in shear flow by Batchelor and Townsend
(1949), was what spurred Mandelbrot (1974, 1998) to originate the theory
of multifractals, a term coined by Parisi and Frisch (1985). The formula-
tion for and application to atmospheric observations was by Schertzer and
Lovejoy (1985, 1987, 1991). There is a large literature on multifractality
generally, spread over many scientific disciplines and using varied termi-
nology and choice of symbols. The atmospheric literature is of manageable
dimensions however; we adhere to the Schertzer and Lovejoy formulation.
A detailed account is in Chapter 4 of Nonlinear Variability in Geophysics,
Schertzer and Lovejoy, eds. (1991); a more accessible and more meteoro-
logical account is in Schertzer and Lovejoy (1987). The basis is a statistical
treatment of multiplicative random processes, leading, it is argued, to a
complete description by three scaling exponents. These are H
, the con-
servation exponent; C
, the intermittency; and α, the Lévy exponent.
is a measure of the degree of correlation: in the limit of zero intermit-
tency, H
→ 1 corresponds to perfect neighbour-to-neighbour correlation,
→ 0 corresponds to complete anti-correlation, that is Gaussian noise.
The intermittency C
is the co-dimension of the mean of the field, that is a
measure of its sparseness. The Lévy exponent α measures the power law fall-
off of the tail of the probability distribution. Their ranges are 0 <H
< 1,
0 <C
< 1, 0 ≤ α ≤ 2. Experience with high resolution in situ observations
suggests that H
∼ 5/9 for passive scalars and wind speed, while total water,
ozone, reactive nitrogen, and chlorine monoxide can vary through the oper-
ation of sources and sinks; indeed this use of the H exponent is a numerical
model-independent way of deducing the existence of non-conservative pro-
cesses. Where the data are good enough, the intermittency for wind and
temperature tends to be in the range 0 <C
≤ 0.10, which although at
the low end of the possible range are nevertheless significant values. Accu-
rate determination of α demands large volumes of precise, gap-free data,
and really needs better instruments, in the sense of faster and gap-free per-
formance yielding higher volumes of data, than we have currently. α ≈ 2
corresponds to Gaussian noise; what determinations there are (for winds,
temperature, and ozone) suggest 1 <α<2. The PDFs associated with
≈ 0.55, C
≈ 0.05 and α ≈ 1.6 are obviously asymmetric, with ‘long’
tails. Finally, for a prescient view of large-scale atmospheric turbulence, see
Eady (1950); for a recent view from the bottom up, see Tuck et al. (2005).
It is appropriate to finish with the further words of Eady (1951).
‘I congratulate Dr. Batchelor on his scholarly presentation of the similar-
ity theory of turbulence initiated by Kolmogoroff. The argument which
derives the consequences of statistical “de-coupling” between the primary