156 Index
relative vorticity 31, 137
remote sounding 7
resolution, numerical models 92
reverse path probability 108
reversibility of motion 111
Reynolds number (Re) 6, 24, 25, 32
Reynolds, O. 3, 24
Richardson instability 55–6
Richardson, L.F. 3, 13, 25, 118
ring currents 21, 34, 53, 68, 70, 76, 102,
111, 114, 115, 117, 147
creation in ozone photodissociation 75
and maximum entropy principle 106–10
positive feedbacks 77
Rossby, C.G. 3
rovibrational spectral lines 87, 88–9
laboratory investigations 116
rovibronic 147
‘Russian doll’ structure 54–5
satellite observations 7
Sawyer, J.S. 3
scale, effect on vertical temperature
structure 80–1
scale dependence, power law 25–6
scale invariance 1–2, 6, 16, 31, 35–6, 106,
114–15, 117, 118, 147
computer simulations 111
implications for observations 7
relationship to entropy production 110
WB57F flight data 58,59
see also generalised scale invariance;
generalized scale invariance
scaling 148
scaling exponents 26, 32, 113
calculation 40–2
correlation with jet stream depth 53,54
correlation with jet stream strength 52
incorporation into simulations 60–1
sensitivity to missing data 42–3
for wind speed 34
see also H
; intermittency; Lévy
scaling moment function (K(q)) 40, 42
Schertzer, D. and Lovejoy, S. 5, 26, 37, 38,
41, 98, 99
Schönbein, C.F. 4
Searle, K.D. et al. 100
seasonal changes, polar lower stratosphere
64, 66
segregation 94
similarity theories 27
simulated signals, scaling behaviours 60,
‘slingshot effect’ 102
Smoluchowski, M. 22
SOLVE (SAGE-III Ozone Loss and
Validation Experiment) 39, 62, 69,
101, 148
generalized scale invariance analysis 65
ozone 64, 66
temperature 63–4
wind speed 62–3
temperature intermittency and ozone
dissociation data 72
sondes 11
vertical data 13–14
Sparling, L.C. 7
spectra of energy levels 87
spectroscopy, laboratory experiments 116
speed, Maxwellian distributions 81, 82–3
and Richardson number 55–6
‘Russian doll’ structure 54–5
statistical mechanics 119
non-equilibrium 33–5
statistical multifractals 2, 15, 16, 37, 148
early work 5
total water data 46
steady states 105
Stokes, G.G. 2
stratosphere 148
stratospheric polar vortex 148
stratospheric research aircraft flights 9–11
structure function 148
subgrid scale parametrization 117, 145–6
subtropical jet stream 143
supersaturation 102
supersonic aircraft, effects on stratospheric
ozone 10
surface temperature, interpretation 83, 85
Sutcliffe, R.C. 3
synoptic scale weather 148
Syroka, J. et al. 8
Takahashi, K. et al. 76
temperature 116
correlation with temperature
intermittency 71, 72
DC8 observations 46
effect on chemical reactions 88
fractal time series analysis 8
generalized scale invariance analysis,
SOLVE mission 63–4, 65
values 43
interpretation of surface temperature
83, 85
macroscopic definition 29, 78
molecular definition 71, 78–9
potential 31, 32, 146
vertical scaling 50, 80, 113
WB57 observations 45
temperature data, Arctic lower stratosphere
and tropical tropopause 38–9
temperature definition, clouds 102
temperature distribution asymmetries,
Arctic lower stratosphere 78
temperature fluctuations 38–40