Chapter 22
Dynamics of Non-holonomic Mechanical Systems
The theory of non-holonomic mechanical systems appeared when it was seen that the
classical Lagrangian formalism (corresponding to the holonomic mechanical systems)
cannot be applied in case of some very simple problems (e.g., the rolling without sliding of
a rigid solid on a fixed plane). After that Lindelöf’s error in this direction has been detected
by Chaplygin, one has obtained many formulations and there have been made many studies
by Appell, Bobylev, Chaplygin, Tsenov, Hamel, Hertz, Maggi, Voronets, Zhukovskiĭ and
others; the actual research in this direction is very rich.
The development of dynamics of holonomic mechanical systems puts in evidence the
closed connection between the study of these systems and the study of the holonomic ones;
moreover, the geometric treatment of these problems led to the creation of the
non-holonomic geometry by Vrănceanu, Scouten, Wagner and others. On the other hand,
there appeared also many specific aspects (e.g., non-linear non-holonomic constraints
considered by Gibbs, Appell, Chetaev, Hamel, Johnson, Novoselov etc.); as well, other
types of non-classical constraints have been put in evidence. We mention also that, in the
last time, an analog between these systems and the electromechanical ones has been
After passing in review some elements of kinematical nature, one presents Lagrange’s
equations, as well as other equations of motion (especially the Gibbs-Appell equations and
Chaplygin’s equations) and various applications; one considers then also other problems
concerning the dynamics of non-holonomic mechanical systems (Neĭmark, Ju.I. and
Fufaev, N.A., 1972; Pars, L., 1965).
22.1 Kinematics of Non-holonomic Mechanical Systems
After some general considerations, one presents some conditions of holonomy and
one introduces the notion of quasi-co-ordinate. A special attention is given to the
geometrization of the problem of non-holonomic mechanical systems.
22.1.1 General Considerations
One presents, in the following, some preliminary aspects concerning the differential
forms, the number of degrees of freedom of the mechanical systems, the representative
spaces which are used etc. One considers then various cases, especially the rolling of a rigid
solid over another rigid solid.
P.P. Teodorescu, Mechanical Systems, Classical Models,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009