Other Considerations on Analytical Methods in Dynamics of Discrete Mechanical Systems
be transferred, in an isoenergetical dynamics, in the phase space, by a convenient
reduction of dimensions.
Let be the co-ordinates
and y
, =+1,2,..., 1sα , called conjugate, which have
been previously introduced. To a energy function
(,)xyΩ which we consider, there
corresponds only one energy surface
=(,) 0xyΩ ; to a given energy surface there
corresponds an infinity of energy functions. By means of the variational formalism
(21.4.9) or of the variational formalism (21.4.12), we may obtain canonical equations of
the form (21.4.10). The solutions of the system (21.4.10) fill up the space
(,, , )qtpH
by a natural congruence of trajectories, one for each point. Thus, the totality of the
dynamical trajectories, including those on the energy surface, presents a geometric
image much more simple than that of the space
(,)qt , where there exists only one
trajectory which passes through a point in a given direction.
One takes again – in the representative space
(,, , )qtpH – the whole theory of the
(,)qt , but where each quantity and each mathematical or mechanical fact has a
richer significance.
21.4.3 Notions on the Inverse Problem of Mechanics and the
Birkhoffian Formalism
In what follows, we present firstly the inverse problem of the Newtonian mechanics;
is a larger sense, in connection to this problem, we consider some notions concerning
the Birkhoffian formalism too. Inverse Problem of Newtonian Mechanics
In the formulation of the direct problem of Newtonian mechanics, starting from the
motion of a given mechanical system, one obtains a function of Lagrange, which leads
to the equations of motion in one of the representative spaces considered in the previous
sections; these equations are the extremal equations of an action which can be definite
corresponding to the space in which we are situated and to the used formalism.
Starting from these considerations, we can pass to the formulation of the inverse
problem of Newtonian mechanics. Thus, giving the equations of motion, the problem of
existence (including the conditions in which such a thing can take place) of one or
several functions of Lagrange is put, so that the associate Euler–Lagrange equations do
coincide with the given equations of motion or be equivalent to them. Obviously, in this
case, the problem of the effective determination of these Lagrangians is put.
Once, it has been considered that only the natural systems (especially the
conservative system) admit a variational principle, which leads to the associate Euler–
Lagrange equations, equivalent to the Newtonian equations. As well, it has been shown
that, being given a Lagrangian
L , any other Lagrangian =+
d/dtϕLL , where
= (;)qtϕϕ (obtained by a gauge transformation), leads to the same dynamical system;
in other words, the Euler–Lagrange systems of equations associated to the two
Lagrangians coincide (see Sect. too). Reciprocally, if two Lagrange’s functions
L and
L lead to the same Euler–Lagrange equations, hence if they describe the
same dynamical system, then
L is of the form mentioned above. But there exist also
dynamical systems associated to two Lagrangians which have not the mentioned
property; e.g., to the system of equations