Variational Principles. Canonical Transformations
motion of the mechanical system at a given moment is specified by its motion in the
whole (finite) interval of time.
Often, Hamilton’s principle is considered to be the basic principle of mechanics;
indeed, classical mechanics as well as the relativistic one can be deduced starting from
such a principle. As well, the theory of the electromagnetic field can be obtained from
an analogous principle, as other theories of physical nature. Hence, the importance of
those principles consists also in their expression in a unified form, corresponding to the
tendency of extremum of phenomena in the nature. So, the variational principles of
Hamilton’s type lead to “equations of motion” which can be Newton’s, Maxwell’s or
Schrödinger’s equations; using a variational principle as basis of formulation, all these
domains of physical nature have, in a certain measure, a structural analogy. If
experimental results impose the change of physical matter in the theory corresponding
to a certain domain, then this analogy can show similar changes in another domain. For
instance, experiments made at the beginning of this century have put into evidence the
necessity to quantify the electromagnetic radiation as well as the elementary particles;
indeed, starting from the development of quantification methods for the mechanics of
particles, one could construct a quantum electrodynamics. Although its importance
from the point of view of the philosophy of mechanical systems, we must notice that
Hamilton’s principle can – sometimes – lead to more intricate calculations from a
practical point of view as a direct study based on Newton’s equation.
If the given forces are not quasi-conservative, then one cannot introduce the function
L , and if the mechanical system is not holonomic, then the operator δ cannot permute
with the integral. In this case, in general, the varied paths are no more possible curves,
and we must use the relation (20.1.35); the problem is no more a problem of variational
We observe that we may distinguish between an integral principle and a variational
one, the first one having a more general character. Indeed, by convention, an integral
principle is deduced from the general integral principle (20.1.35), without the
intervention of the variation of a functional (the variation of an action), this aspect
appearing only under the integral sign; if the variation of a functional occurs, then we
have to do with a variational principle. Perhaps, this distinction is conventional;
however, we must mention that a variational principle is linked to a problem of
extremum of a functional, allowing thus to use a rich methodology of calculus. If the
constraints are non-holonomic but the given forces are quasi-conservative, then
Hamilton’s principle is an integral one and has the form (20.1.38) (it is true that the
virtual displacements are not independent), while if the constraints are holonomic, the
given forces being quasi-conservative or not, then we find again the general integral
principle (20.1.35), which – in fact – represents a more general integral form of
Hamilton’s principle in a synchronous case. Thus, as one can see, Hamilton’s principle
has a sufficient general character, even in the synchronous case.
However, the difference (given by the non-holonomic or holonomic character of the
ideal constraints) between the forms (20.1.38) and (20.1.38') of Hamilton’s principle is
clearly put in evidence.
We notice also that, in case of quasi-conservative forces deriving from a generalized
potential, the virtual work of the given forces can be expressed in the form