Chapter 20
Variational Principles. Canonical Transformations
We will present first the main variational principles, which allow a formulation of
the motion problems of mechanical systems in the configuration space
Λ , as well as in
the phase space
. Then, we consider the canonical transformations which let
invariant the equations of motion in the space
, as well as the variational principles
from which they are deduced (their canonical form). A special attention is given to
Noether’s theorem, obtaining thus first integrals for the equations of motion.
20.1 Variational Principles
The differential principles of mechanics (with a local character) have been presented
in Sect. for a particle and in Sect. for a discrete mechanical system of
particles. New differential principles, in a global form, have been introduced in Sects. and 20.1.2 for continuous mechanical systems and in Sects. and for the free rigid solid and for the rigid solid with constraints, respectively. In
Sect. 18. the principles of Newton, d’Alembert, Gauss and Hertz are stated in the space
E , as well as various forms of the principle of virtual work (d’Alembert-Lagrange,
Jourdain, Gauss a.s.o.) in the space
(Newton, I., 1686–1687; Alembert d’, 1743;
Hertz, H., 1894).
Unlike the differential principles, the variational principles of mechanics have a
global character – being integral principles; they do not reply to certain causality
conditions and do not correspond to an actual (present) state of the mechanical system,
but contain in them the past as well the future of this one. In connection with the
variational principles, we can mention the names of W.R. Hamilton, M.V.
Ostrogradskiĭ, J.-L. Lagrange, P.-L. Moreau de Maupertuis, K.-G.-J. Jacobi, O. Hölder,
A. Voss etc (Hamilton, W.R., 1890; Ostrogradskiĭ, M.V., 1946; Lagrange, J.-L., 1788;
Jacobi, C.G.J., 1882; Voss, A., 1901).
We notice that the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics (see Sect. have
a physical, mechanical meaning, their formulation being thus adequate. In the frame of
Lagrangian and of Hamiltonian mechanics we are led to an analytical formulation of
those principles, with a tendency of universality, even if we are situated – sometimes –
in the frame of particular mechanical systems; obviously, this analytical formulation has
also a pregnant mechanical substratum, even this one is not evident from the very
beginning. The analytical principles of mechanics try, in general, to contain – besides
the laws of Newtonian mechanics – also other natural laws (corresponding to a thermal
P.P. Teodorescu, Mechanical Systems, Classical Models,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009