corresponding forces between identical particles being
repulsive; as the gravity forces,
these ones have a large radius of action and may be studied in the frame of quantum
The strong (nuclear) interaction leads to the building of all elements, by linking the
nuclear particles, and is acting at a small distance upon quarks, the carrying agent being
the gluons. It corresponds a repulsive force, the intensity of which is – conventionally –
taken equal to unity, with respect to the intensity of the other forces (the interactions
have been presented in order of growth of their intensities).
The idea of
unifying the four basic interactions, so that to use a single set of
equations to predict all their characteristics, is old and, at present, it is not known
whether such a theory can be developed. However, the most successful attempt in this
direction is
the electroweak theory (the Weinberg-Salam model) proposed during the
late 1960s by Steven Weinberg, Abdus Salam, Samuel Glashow (Nobel prize, 1979).
The carrying agents are
the vector bosons, with electric charge
W , and the neutral
vector boson
Z . In the frame of this model, the masses
±(82 2.4)
m GeV and
= 75
m GeV (Gigaelectronvolts) have been theoretically calculated. In December
1982, the mass of the vector boson has been determined experimentally, its value being
=±(85 5)
m GeV, in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction of the
Weinberg-Salam model. The measures have been effected at CERN (Switzerland) and
represent the greatest discovery of this important European centre of research in the area
of physics. In June 1983, the existence of
the third vector boson
Z has been confirmed
experimentally. Recent experimental values of the masses of vector bosons are
=±(80.423 0.0039)
m GeV and
±(91.1876 0.0021)
m GeV.
The electroweak theory is
a unified theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions,
based on the SU(2)
×U(1) symmetry. It regards the weak force and the electromagnetic
force as different manifestations of a new fundamental force (electroweak), similarly to
electricity and magnetism that appear as different aspects of the electromagnetic force.
We mention that the electroweak theory is – in essence –
a gauge theory.
We may infer that there are only
three fundamental interactions in Nature:
gravitational, electroweak and strong (nuclear). Further, one tries to unify these three
interactions in the frame of a
unitary theory, reducing – eventually in a first stage – their
number to two; in this order of ideas, theories which try to link the electroweak
interaction to the strong one (e.g.,
Giorgi’s theory) have been developed. As well, the
describes gravitational phenomena in the frame of a quantum theory of
field; the problem is very difficult also because the gravitational interaction, which
plays the most important rôle in the study of mechanical systems, is the only interaction
which leads only to forces of attraction (described, e.g., by the Newtonian model).
Certain researchers assume the existence of
a fifth type of basic interaction too.
Now, the theory of electroweak interactions is a component of
the Standard Model,
that includes also the theory of strong interactions; but it seems that the current models
of strong interactions need to be revised.
However, the recent discovery of
exotic quark systems suggests that the Nature is
much more complicated; thus, in July 2003, nuclear physicists in Japan, Russia and the
USA have discovered
the pentaquark, and in November 2003, a new subatomic particle
has been discovered, while Daniel Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek have been
awarded Nobel prize, 2004.