FFrv;;t ,
r is the position vector of the point of application (belonging to the mechanical
system), while
v is its velocity; in components, we have
1, 2, 3i .
The force corresponds to the interaction of bodies and is emphasized in various
manners; thus, we distinguish between
contact actions and actions at distance. The
action of a homogeneous sphere, which is in collision with another homogeneous sphere
(case considered in Subsec. 1.1.6), is a contact action. The force by which the Earth acts
upon material bodies, in such a way that they fall on it, represents an action at distance.
Such an action at distance is called a
field. In general, a field is a domain D of the
space, which constitutes a zone of influence of a mechanical system
S or of a certain
mechanical phenomenon; in the presence of
S , the domain D acquires a special state,
so that the evolution of any other mechanical system, which has properties permitting to
be influenced by
D and passing through D , is changed. For instance, by its property
of mass or of electrical charge, a body generates a gravitational or an electric field,
respectively; any other body, which passes through such a field, is influenced in its
motion. In a continuous model of mechanics, the action of such a field upon a
mechanical system is characterized by a force; it is supposed that this action is
instantaneously propagated (otherwise, one must introduce a factor of delay in the
mathematical modelling of the phenomenon). So, we do not introduce in computation
the real action, which took place with a time lag. In a non-classical model, the
hypothesis of propagation step by step is used; indeed, the experience shows that no
action is propagated instantaneously. In fact, the hypothesis of the instantaneous
propagation corresponds to the hypothesis of the universal (absolute) time.
Modelling the force by a bound vector (1.1.80) (it is characterized by direction,
intensity (modulus) and point of application, properties corresponding to an intrinsic
definition of such a mathematical entity), this one will enjoy all the properties of bound
vectors (for instance, the summation of vectors). So, the action of two forces applied at
a point of the mechanical system
S can be replaced by the action of only one force
applied at the same point, along the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the
mentioned forces; the reciprocal of this affirmation is, obviously, true: the action of a
force at a point can be replaced by the action, at the very same point, of two forces
representing the sides of the parallelogram, the diagonal of which is the given force.
Attaching to each point (of position vector
r ) of a domain D a vector F , at any
moment, we obtain a
field of forces of the form (1.1.80). If
does not depend
explicitly on
∂∂==FF0/ t
, then the field of forces is called stationary. In fact,
for any field and any mechanical phenomenon, which have this property, the same
denomination is used.
Because the forces are modelled by bound vectors, we may consider also
systems of
(discrete systems) in action upon a mechanical system (discrete or continuous),
which will be modelled by systems of bound vectors; obviously, all the results obtained
for these systems of vectors may be used for the corresponding systems of forces. Let
≡=F , 1, 2,...,
inF be such a system of forces; it corresponds rigorously to a