2.1.3 Systems of units
The basic and derived units form a system of units. Two systems of units may differ
by the chosen basic quantities and by the units corresponding to these quantities. We
mention thus
the physical systems in which the basic quantities are the length (of unit
L ), the mass (of unit M ) and the time (of unit T ), and the technical systems to which
correspond the length,
the force (of unit
) and the time. Unlike the physical systems
of units, independent of the point in which we are on the surface of the Earth
(independent of the presence of a gravitational field), the technical systems of units
depend on the latitude of the place (depend on the presence of a gravitational field).
Among the physical systems we mention
the CGS system, in which the units are the
, cm, the gram, g and the second, s, and the international system, SI, which
the metre, m, the kilogram, kg and the second; in the latter physical system one
introduces also, as basic quantities:
the intensity of the electric current (ampere, A), the
thermodynamical temperature
(kelvin, K), the quantity of substance (mol, mol) and the
light intensity
(candle, cd). The SI system was adopted at the XIth International
Conference of Measures and Weights (Paris, 1960). The most used technical system is
the MKfS system, where one introduces the metre,
the kilogram force, kgf and the
second. We notice that in the SI system the unit of force is the newton, N (the necessary
force to induce to a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of
1 m/s in vacuum; 1 kgf ≅ 10 N).
One uses
the decimal system for space and mass, while for time remains the classical
sexagesimal system. Theoretically, the metre is defined as 1/40 000 000 of the length
of the Paris meridian. Practically, the metre is equal to
1 650 763.73 wave lengths of
the radiation which corresponds to the transition of the atom of krypton 86 between the
energy levels 2p
and 5d
in vacuum (Paris, 1960); the centimetre is the hundredth part
of the metre defined above. Before 1960, the metre was defined as the length, at a
temperature of 0
°C, of the international prototype in irradiate platinum, sanctioned by
the General Conference of Measures and Weights in 1889, preserved at the International
Bureau of Measures and Weights, at the pavilion of Breteuil (Sèvres, France). The
kilogram represents the mass of the international prototype in irradiate platinum
sanctioned at the same time and preserved in the same place as the metric prototype; the
gram is the thousandth part of the kilogram defined above. The mass of the mentioned
prototype represents theoretically the mass of a decimetre cube of distilled water at 4ºC,
at a pressure of an atmosphere; the weight of this prototype at
45º boreal latitude, at the
sea level, represents a kilogram force. Till 1960, the second was defined as the
part of the mean solar day, considered constant and defined with respect to the tropical
year (the mean interval between two consecutive passages of the Sun at the spring mean
equinox), admitted to be also constant. Observing that the latter one is not constant (it is
expressed by a polynomial formula with respect to time), after 1960 the tropical year,
which has
365.242 198 79 solar days or 31 556 925.974 7 seconds, corresponding to
1900, has been taken into consideration; the second thus defined is the ephemerides’
second. In the international system SI the second is defined with the aid of atomic
horologes; thus, a second is an interval of time equal to
9 192 631 770 oscillation
periods of radiations emitted by the transition between two hyperfine energy levels
(F=4, M
=0; F=3, M
=0) of the basic state (
) of the atom of caesium 133, in the