admits that the origin is placed at the centre of mass of the Earth; usually, the equatorial
plane is taken as principal plane, one of the axes in this plane being straighten in the
direction of the vernal equinoctial point (at the intersection of the equatorial plane with
the ecliptic one, which contains the trajectory described by the Earth), while the third
axis is normal to this plane (hence, it is the rotation axis of the Earth). Later, one
considered the heliocentric frame of reference (Copernicus’ frame), in which the origin
is in the centre of mass of the Sun. In such a frame, the plane of the ellipse described by
the Earth, hence the ecliptic plane, is taken as principal plane (ecliptic heliocentric
frame of reference), or a plane parallel to the equatorial plane of the Earth is taken as
such a plane (equatorial heliocentric frame of reference), the third axis being normal to
the respective principal plane; in both cases, one of the axes contained in the principal
plane is along the direction of the vernal point (at the intersection of the ecliptic plane
with a plane parallel to the equatorial plane of the Earth, passing through the centre of
mass of the Sun), hence it is parallel to the axis considered in case of the geocentric
frame. Obviously, this last frame represents a progress with respect to the previous one,
leading to simpler properties of motion of planets. But the Sun is only one of more than
two hundred milliards of stars of our Galaxy, having – at this moment – a relatively
peripheral position in it; all these stars, including the Sun, move with respect to the
centre of mass of the Galaxy. We are thus led to a frame with the origin at this centre of
mass (a galactocentric frame of reference); the principal plane is the galactic median
plane, one of the axes contained in this plane being along its intersection with a plane
parallel to the equatorial plane of the Earth. In all these cases one uses the so-called
“fixed stars” (very far stars, the position of which are approximately fixed with respect
to observations which can be made on the Earth); knowing the positions of these stars
(their co-ordinates), one can use any of the frames mentioned above. A catalogue of
approximately 1500 such stars, called basic stars, has been elaborated. Theoretically,
only four stars are sufficient to identify a frame; practically, one considers a greater
number of stars, because – in any case – their positions vary in time, so that their
determination can be erroneous.
The laws of classical models of mechanics are sufficiently well verified in a
galactocentric frame of reference. But we observe that the motion of the heliocentric
frame with respect to the galactocentric one can be considered – with a good
approximation – to be a uniform and rectilinear translation, even for a relatively long
interval of time; one can thus use – in many cases – the heliocentric frame, obtaining
very good results, for instance in the study of motion of objects launched in the cosmic
space. For usual motions on the surface of the Earth, the geocentric frame of reference
leads also to very good results; the influence of the rotation and revolution motions of
the Earth can be introduced subsequently, every time it is necessary.
The frames of reference with respect to which the basic laws of mechanics can be
verified are called inertial frames of reference. If, in a classical model of mechanics, its
laws are verified in a certain frame of reference, then they are verified with respect to
any other frame in rectilinear and uniform motion with respect to the latter one; thus,
one obtains a class of inertial frames of reference. An “absolute space” in the sense of
Newton cannot be identified on the basis of a mechanical experiment.
The galactocentric frame of reference is an inertial one; as we have seen above, for
different cases of mechanical motion one can admit that the heliocentric frame of
reference or even the geocentric frame of reference are inertial frames. On this way, we