Dynamics of the particle in a field of elastic forces
are the amplitude of the oscillation (maximal elongation, the elongation
x being the
distance from the centre of oscillation
O to the position of the particle at a given
moment) and the phase shift (the argument
represents the phase at the moment
t , the phase shift being calculated with respect to the phase tω ), respectively. The
trajectory is the segment of line
AA , which is travelled through back and forth in the
period of time (8.2.6), beginning with the initial position
P (Fig.8.16,a). We have thus
to do with oscillations around the oscillation centre
O , which is a stable position of
equilibrium. Because the period
T (and the frequency 1/Tν
) is independent on
the amplitude, it results that the free linear oscillations with a single degree of freedom
are isochronic; on the other hand, the interval of time
/4T in which the segment of
AO is travelled through does not depend on the initial position A (does not
depend on
a ), the velocity at that point vanishing, so that the motion is tautochronous
Figure 8.17. Linear oscillator as projection of a circular oscillator.
The mechanical system formed by a particle which describes a segment of a line,
subjected to the action of an elastic force is called linear oscillator; that one may be
also considered as a limit case of an elliptic oscillator, namely that in which one of the
semiaxes of the ellipse tends to zero. We notice that a linear oscillator may be obtained
too by projecting the motion of a circular oscillator (hence, of a particle
with a
velocity v of constant modulus
, which is in uniform motion on a circle) on a
of it (Fig.8.17); if the position of the diameter
is specified by the
ϕ with respect to the
Ox -axis and if the angle tθω
, where ω is the angular
velocity, gives the position of the radius
, then we obtain the equation (8.2.24) of
the linear oscillator. Any mechanical system with only one degree of freedom subjected
to small oscillations around a stable position of equilibrium, e.g., the simple pendulum
subjected to small oscillations, may be modelled by a linear oscillator.
Multiplying the equation (8.2.23) by
mx , we obtain
d2 2
mxx kxx x x
+= +
so that, taking into account (8.2.6'), (8.2.24) and (8.2.24'),