()PPt= . As well,
/2mv p
, because 0U
; it results () 2 /vt p m<
=>. The conditions that the point
be a stable position of equilibrium are
thus fulfilled and the Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem is proved for a free particle. For
instance, for a free particle in rectilinear motion, acted upon by a force
()Fx kx=− ,
0k > , which derives from the simple potential
() /2Ux kx=− , the origin of the co-
ordinate axis represents a stable position of equilibrium.
This demonstration remains valid in the case of a generalized potential
U , where the
rôle of the function which has an isolated maximum is played by the scalar potential
U .
In what concerns the reciprocal of this theorem, the problem is not sufficiently
clarified. One may show that, in certain particular cases, a point may represent a stable
position of equilibrium, the potential
U having not an isolated maximum at that point.
Analogously, it is proved that a position of equilibrium
P is a position of labile
equilibrium if the potential
has an isolated minimum at that point. The conditions
imposed by the Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem are – obviously – sufficient conditions. A
more profound study of this problem will be made latter, after Lyapunov, in connection
with the study of the stability of motion in the frame of Lagrangian or Hamiltonian
mechanics. We mention the affirmation of T. Levi-Civita who said that “the instability
is the rule, while the stability is rather an exception”.
In the case of a non-conservative field of forces, the positions of equilibrium are
recognized – in general – using the property of definition, that is perturbing arbitrarily
such a position and studying the returning modality of the particle.
2.3.2 Stability of equilibrium of a particle subjected to constraints
In the case of a particle constrained to stay on a fixed smooth surface
S , one may
introduce the generalized forces
, 1, 2α
, given by (4.1.47), as we have
seen in Chap. 4, Subsec. 1.1.7; if
ddd(,)Qu Qv Uuv+= , that is a total
differential, then we are led to the study of the extrema of the function
(,)UUuv= ,
u and v are generalized co-ordinates, the holonomic, scleronomic constraints
being eliminated. We may always make so as to have a maximum equal to zero for
U at the point
P coinciding with the origin ( (0,0) 0U
). We draw a closed curve
C around the point
, on the surface S , so that to have
on that curve;
hence, there exists
0p > so that 0Up
< on C . Displacing the particle from
at a neighbouring point, in the interior of the curve
C , we may follow the
demonstration given in the previous subsection, so that the Lagrange-Dirichlet
theorem is applicable in this case too.
Analogously, if the particle is constrained to stay on a fixed smooth curve
C , we
have seen in Chap. 4, Subsec. 1.1.7 too that the generalized force
()Qq , given by
(4.1.48) may be introduced, hence the function
() ()dUq Qq q=
, being thus led to the
study of the isolated maxima of that function. We assume that
(0) 0U =
at the point