hence, the axial static moment of a plane mechanical system with respect to an axis
contained in the plane of the system is equal to the static moment of the centre of mass,
at which one considers concentrated the mass of the whole mechanical system, with
respect to the very same axis. We can state also that the centre of mass of a plane
mechanical system is characterized by the vanishing of the axial static moment with
respect to an axis contained in the plane and passing through it.
In the case of a linear mechanical system (the geometric support
Ω of which is a
straight line), one has to do only with the polar static moment (with only one
component) with respect to a pole belonging to the straight line.
1.1.3 Properties. Applications
We notice that the centre of mass is placed in the interior of any convex closed
Σ which contains in its interior the geometric support Ω of the considered
mechanical system. Indeed, taking the plane of co-ordinates
Ox x tangent to the
Σ at an arbitrary point of it, taken as pole O , and admitting the direction of the
Ox towards the interior of Σ , it follows that for all the points of the geometric
Ω we have ≥
0x ; the formula (3.1.1') allows us to affirm that ≥
0ρ (the
equality takes place if
Ω is a plane geometric support). Hence, the centre C is situated
in the same part of the considered plane as the surface
Σ ; because ∈O Σ is
arbitrarily chosen, it follows that the centre
C is situated in the interior of the surface
Σ .
If the support
Ω is a straight line or a plane, then the centre C is on the straight line
or is contained in the plane. In the first case, if we choose this line as the
Ox –axis,
then we find easily that
0ρρ ; in the second case we choose the respective
plane as plane
Ox x and obtain
0ρ .
If the mechanical system admits a plane of geometric (the geometric support
admits a plane of symmetry) and mechanical (the symmetric points of the geometric
Ω have the same unit mass, in the case of a continuous mechanical system, or
the same finite mass, in the case of a discrete mechanical system) symmetry, then we
take this plane as plane
Ox x ; applying the formula (3.1.1'), we notice that some
points of the support
Ω belong to the plane
0x , while the other points are pairs of
symmetric points, obtaining thus
0ρ . The centre of mass belongs thus to the plane
of symmetry. If there exist two (or three) planes of geometric and mechanical
symmetry, then the centre
C belongs to the straight line (centre) of intersection of these
planes, which – obviously – will be an axis (a centre) of geometric and mechanical
symmetry. If the mechanical system admits a plane
Π diametrically conjugate from
geometric and mechanical point of view to a direction
Δ (to each point
P of the
mechanical system there corresponds a point
P of the same system, having the same
mass, so that the segment
PP has the direction of Δ and the middle in the plane
then the point
C will belong to the plane Π ; in particular, if
ΔΠ, then this plane
is a plane of geometric and mechanical symmetry.