68 Practical PowerPivot & DAX Formulas for Excel 2010
buttons in the Clipboard group, Paste Append and Paste Replace, are only operative
when you are viewing a PowerPivot table created through the Paste button. Please note
that Paste Replace will replace the whole table; thus, if you have only one piece of data on
the Clipboard, this will overwrite the entire table. The Copy button allows you to copy
data between PowerPivot tables. After using Copy, you can use Paste to create a new
table or Paste Append or Paste Replace to place the copied data into a table previously
created through Paste. You can’t copy and paste between existing PowerPivot tables, but
you can paste into a new PowerPivot table. There is an additional use for Copy—you
can subsequently paste into an Excel worksheet, if you want to perform traditional Excel
analysis on the data, or into another application such as Word or PowerPoint.
Get External Data Group
The Get External Data group represents the core of PowerPivot. It includes all of the
main data sources for your PowerPivot tables (with the exception of linked Excel tables
and Clipboard data). It is of vital importance, so we’ll devote some time to looking at
its buttons and features. The buttons in this group (reading from top to bottom and left
to right) are From Database, From Report, From Data Feeds, From Text, From Other
Sources, and Refresh. All of these buttons, apart from the Refresh button, result in
further dialogs or drop-downs. The Refresh button is disabled until you have imported
some data. Let’s start with From Database.
From Database
The From Database button results in three main options: SQL Server, Access, and Analysis
Services or PowerPivot. As SQL Server appears first and is so popular, we’ll consider it first.
Even if you don’t have SQL Server, I advise you to read the section—some topics covered
(for example, query writing and filtering) are common to many of the PowerPivot data
import options. The From Database drop-down menu is shown in Figure 3-6.
From SQL Server The previous chapter has step-by-step instructions and a practical
on how to import SQL Server tables—in case you jumped into the book at this point.
If you choose SQL Server, you have to provide a server name, a database name, and
select the relevant tables and/or views (alternatively, you can write a Select statement
Figure 3-6 From Database drop-down menu