Chapter 2: PowerPivot: Overview 37
the concept of related tables. But thanks to PowerPivot, we are going to create
relationships on non-relational Excel lists/tables in a while!
4. Select all six tables (Categories, Customers, Employees, Order Details, Orders,
and Products). Click Finish.
5. The last dialog in the wizard is called Importing. It’s virtually the same as the one
at the end of an Access or SQL Server import (Figure 2-10), except the final row,
Data Preparation, is missing. Data Preparation is where relationships are detected
and created—this does not apply to Excel imports. Click Close.
Importing from a Data Feed
You can also import from a data feed on the Internet. As of this writing, there is a data
feed for the Northwind database. URLs come and go. I hope, but don’t promise, that
this URL is still working when you read this book. Here are the steps to import from
a Northwind data feed:
1. Click From Data Feeds in the Get External Data group on the PowerPivot Home
2. Enter as the Data Feed
URL. Click Test Connection, and if successful, click Next.
3. Choose six tables: Categories, Customers, Employees, Order_Details (note the
underscore), Orders, and Products. Then click Finish, followed by Close.
The data imported (assuming the URL is still valid) is the same as the SQL Server
or the Access or the Excel data—there are minor differences, but they do not affect any
of the examples in this book.
PowerPivot Window
Once a data import has finished, you are returned to the main PowerPivot window.
Now it will include six PowerPivot tables, each with its own tab. In the previous
sections you might have imported six tables from SQL Server, Access, Excel, or a data
feed. Your window should look like that shown in Figure 2-16—there may be some
minor differences in your tables (that is, column names, number of columns, and icons
in some column headers), depending upon the source of your data.
You are not restricted only to SQL Server, Access, Excel, or data feed imports.
There are many different sources you can use. All are covered in this book, some in
great detail, for example, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). This is a salient point
at which to mention that you can combine table imports from more than one source.