246 Lean Flames in Practice
has increased by about one quarter since 1980 whereas acceleration performance
has become faster by about one third, and reductions in both these metrics could
be a cost-effective method for the lowering of emissions. Power-train hybridisation,
cylinder deactivation, and so-called ’stop–start’ technologies are already making
useful contributions to the lowering of fuel consumption. Although none of these
approaches excludes the use of lean-burn combustion, all add – to a greater or a
lesser extent – to the cost: Lean-burn combustion is an attractive candidate but its
cost-effectiveness has yet to be full established.
In Europe, the need for commitment to measures to reduce CO
emissions from
cars was recognized from the late 1980s [10, 11] and, as party to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change in 1992, Europe committed itself to stabilizing CO
emissions by the year 2000 at 1990 levels. As a consequence, in 1999 [12], the Au-
tomobile Manufacturers’ Associations entered into a negotiated self-commitment
for a 25% reduction in CO
emission for the average of new passenger cars sold
in the EU, i.e., to 140-g CO
/km, to be achieved by 2008. The important aspect of
this voluntary commitment, for the purposes of this chapter, was that manufacturers
had to achieve the CO
target ‘mainly’ by technological developments. In practice,
changes in fleet CO
emissions arose to some extent by the substitution of SI engines
by CI engines rather than by any intrinsic improvement in the technology of either
engine type. However, it became clear by 2007 that the revised EU objective of 120-g
/km by 2012 would not be met. As a consequence, a legally binding regulation
has come into force, (EC) No 443/2009, which establishes an average emissions re-
quirement for new passenger cars of 130-g CO
/km to be achieved by means of
improvement in vehicle motor technology: For a gasoline vehicle, that represents
5.4 L per 100 km or 52 miles per Imperial gallon [13]. Thus, from a current average
emissions level of CO
from new passenger cars in the EU of around 160-g CO
this represents a 19% reduction. It is the emission level currently attained by a two-
seater, 720-kg vehicle, powered by a three-cylinder turbocharged engine [14]. From
2020 onwards, this regulation sets a target of 95-g CO
/km as the average emission
for the new car fleet [15].
Despite the disparity between the emissions targets on the two continents, the
planned and existing legislation places an additional premium on finding ways to
improve fuel economy in the near future. This is likely to be achieved through the
adoption of several different approaches: Research and development on lean-burn
combustion currently constitutes one of these approaches.
Emission Legislation: Why Not Zero Levels?
AMBIENT AIR QUALITY. By 1950, Haagen-Smit’s landmark work at CalTech had iden-
tified ozone as a major component of smog that caused severe respiratory health
difficulties; and by 1952 he had shown that vehicle emissions were a contributor to
the generation of ozone, specifically nitrogen oxides (NO
) and hydrocarbons (HCs)
(in this text HC is used interchangeably with the term volatile organic compounds,
VOCs), which are both ozone precursors. However, it was only after 1970 that gov-
ernments worldwide enacted coherent legislation to regulate pollutant emissions
from IC engines. In part, this two-decade delay arose from the need to set vehicle
emission regulation within the broader context of other sources of pollution and
the development of associated legislation for the setting of the maximum levels of