The Discrete Fourier Transform
the outer loop controlling the frequency index and the inner loop
controlling the access of the data values. In each iteration of the outer
one coefficient is computed. The real and imaginary parts of the
coefficients are stored, respectively, in arrays XR and XI, each of size N.
The access of correct twiddle factor values is carried out using the mod
function. Inside the inner loop, each coefficient is computed according to
the DFT definition. The next module, shown in Fig. 3.11(d), prints the real
and imaginary parts of the coefficients, respectively, from the arrays XR
and XI, one coefficient in each iteration. This module is called out-put.
3.5 Advantages of Sinusoidal Representation of Signals
The DFT is a tool to obtain the representation of a signal in terms of a set
of harmonically related discrete sinusoids. In general, a signal is represented
in other than its naturally occurring form to gain some advantages in sig-
nal processing and understanding. The sinusoidal representation of signals
is the predominant one when it comes to the analysis and design of LTI
systems because of the following advantages this representation provides.
(1) Efficient signal manipulation: When excited with a sinusoidal signal,
the output of a stable LTI system is a sinusoid of the same frequency as that
of the input. Therefore, the input and output are related only by a complex
constant, representing the amount of scaling of the amplitude and change in
the phase shift of the input signal. This is due to the fact that the derivative
and integral of a sinusoid is another sinusoid of the same frequency. This
characteristic along with the linearity and time-invariant properties of LTI
systems makes it efficient to implement fundamental operations such as
convolution. An arbitrary signal is represented as a sum of sinusoids and
the sum of the responses of a system to all the individual sinusoids is the
response to the arbitrary signal.
The frequency-domain representation provides a better understanding
of the signal characteristics.
In addition, a signal can be stored in a highly compressed form in the
frequency-domain representation because of the tendency of most practical
signals to have most of the energy concentrated in the lower part of the
(2) Availability of fast algorithms for the computation of the DFT: The
availability of fast algorithms for computing the DFT makes its use to