The Discrete Fourier Transform
It can be verified that Eqs. (3.6) and (3.7) form a transform pair. Sub-
stituting for X(k) in the ID FT definition, we get
fc=0 ro=0
Changing the order of summation, we get
m=0 Jfe=0
Since the inner summation evaluates to N for m — n and zero otherwise,
the expression on the right-hand side is equal to x{n) and the transform
relationship is established.
For N = 8, we have shown the cosine and sine components of the DFT
basis functions
Xk(n) =
= cos(-nk) + jsin(—
n,k = 0,1,...,N
in Fig. 3.4. The sample values of sines and cosines used in DFT for evalu-
ating frequency coefficients are represented compactly by the complex ex-
ponential and the notation used is Wfi
= cos(^nfc)
j sin(^nA;), called
the twiddle factor. The sine function of the twiddle factor is the negative
of that shown in Fig. 3.4 because of the conjugation of the basis function.
Note that, from the sample values of the fundamental shown in Fig. 3.4(b),
the sample values of the other waveforms in Fig. 3.4 can be easily deduced
as the waveforms are harmonically related.
The discrete complex exponential is a periodic function of nk with a pe-
riod N. Therefore, the twiddle factors are periodic, as shown in Fig. 3.5 for
N = 8. They are iVth roots of unity. The roots of unity are called twiddle
factors, because multiplying a number by a twiddle factor is changing the
phase of that number or rotating a vector without changing its magnitude.
Frequencies, called DFT bins, at which the spectral values are computed
are also shown in Fig. 3.5. For example, the point marked 0 corresponds
to dc, that is / = 0. The point marked | corresponds to the fundamental
frequency f = h cycles per sample. This is also the frequency increment of
the DFT spectrum.