The Discrete Sinusoid 19
0 12 3
Fig. 2.8 The sinusoids x(n) = 4sin(|ra + *•), x(n) = 4sin(5|ra + |), and x(n) ~
^). All the three sinusoids have the same set of sample values.
values are
/ \ J . /57T 71". . . .37T 7T.
x(n) = 4sm(—n + -), x(n) = -4sin(yn - -)
The three waveforms are shown in Fig. 2.8. I
Harmonically related sinusoids
Harmonically related sinusoids are a set of sinusoids, called harmonics, com-
prising a fundamental harmonic with a frequency / and other harmonics
having frequencies nf, where n is a positive integer. The frequency of
the second harmonic is 2/, that of the third harmonic is 3/, and so on.
The nth harmonic completes n cycles during the period of the fundamen-
For example, the fundamental 3cos(||-n + f), the second harmonic
-2cos(ff2n + f), and the third harmonic cos(|f3n + f) are shown in
Fig. 2.9. The sum of discrete sinusoids with harmonically related frequen-
cies is not sinusoidal, but it is periodic.
Example 2.9 Find the period of the combination of the sinusoids. Plot
one period of the waveform of the first, the sum of the first and second, and
the sum of the three of the frequency components.
. , 8 . . .2TT , 1 . .2TT . 1 . ,27r
x(n) = ^(sm(-n) - - sin(-3n) + - sin(-5n))
This is an approximation of the triangular waveform with amplitude one.
The period is 16. Only the fundamental harmonic is shown in Fig. 2.10(a)
with dotted line. The error in this representation is shown in Fig. 2.10(b).
Figures 2.10(c) and (d) show, respectively, an approximation and the error
with the sum of the first and third harmonics. Figures 2.10(e) and (f) show,