The Discrete Fourier Transform
= ± J2 ^WW^
,n = -(j),-(^-l),...,~ -1(3.9)
The values of these forms of DFT and IDFT results in a better display with
the value with index zero in the middle and these forms are also convenient
to derive certain derivations. The spectrum of the waveform shown in
Fig. 3.1(d) in the usual format is X(0) = 4, X(l) = V3 - jl, X{2) = 4,
X(3) — y/3+jl. The same spectrum in center-zero format is X(—2)
X(-l) = y/3 + jl, X(0) = 4, X{1) = V3 - jl. Getting one format of
the spectrum or the signal from the other involves a circular shift by ^
positions (swapping of the positive and negative halves).
3.3 DFT Representation of Some Signals
In this section, we derive the DFT of some simple signals analytically.
Although the primary use of the DFT, in practice, is to analyze arbitrary
waveforms through a numerical procedure, finding the DFT of some simple
signals analytically improves our understanding and the resulting closed-
form solutions serve as test cases for the algorithms.
The impulse, x(n) — 6(n)
X{k) = ^ 1 = 1 and S(n) & 1
(The double-headed arrow indicates that the two quantities are a DFT
pair, that is the frequency-domain function is the DFT of the time-domain
function.) Since the impulse signal is zero except at n = 0, for all k, the
DFT coefficient is unity. All the frequency components exist with equal
amplitude and zero phase.
Example 3.1 Figures 3.6(a) and (b) show, respectively, the unit-impulse
signal and its spectrum, with N = 16. The representation of the impulse
signal, in terms of complex exponentials, is given by