Torricelli’s Law
OBJECTIVE To obtain an expression for Torricelli’s Law by fitting a quadratic
function to data obtained from a simple experiment.
Evangelista Torricelli (1608–1647) was an Italian mathematician and scientist. He is
best known for his invention of the barometer. In Torricelli’s time it was known that
suction pumps were able to raise water to a limit of about 9 meters, and no higher.
The explanation at the time was that the vacuum in the pump could support the
weight of only so much water. In studying this problem, Torricelli thought of using
mercury, which is 14 times heavier than water, to test this theory. He made a one-
meter-long tube sealed at the top end, filled it with mercury, and set it vertically in a
bowl of mercury. The column of mercury fell to about 76 cm, leaving a vacuum at
the top of the tube. In an impressive leap of insight, Torricelli realized that the col-
umn of mercury is held up not by the vacuum at the top of the tube, but rather by the
air pressure outside the tube pressing down on the mercury in the bowl. He wrote:
I claim that the force which keeps the mercury from falling . . . comes from outside the
tube. On the surface of the mercury which is in the bowl rests the weight of a column
of fifty miles of air. Is it a surprise that . . . [the mercury] should rise in a column high
enough to make equilibrium with the weight of the external air which forces it up?
The device Torricelli made was the first barometer for measuring air pressure.
Another of Torricelli’s discoveries, based on the same principle but applied to
water pressure, is that the speed of a fluid through a hole at the bottom of a tank is
related to the height of the fluid in the tank. The precise relationship is known as
Torricelli’s Law.
I. Collecting the Data
In this exploration we use easily obtainable materials to conduct an experiment and
collect data on the speed of water leaking through a hole at the bottom of a cylindri-
cal tank. To do this, we measure the height of the water in the tank at different times.
You will need:
An empty 2-liter plastic soft-drink bottle
A method of drilling a small (4 mm) hole in the plastic bottle
Masking tape
A metric ruler or measuring tape
An empty bucket
This experiment is best done as a classroom demonstration or as a group project with
three students in each group: a timekeeper to call out seconds, a bottle keeper to es-
timate the height every 10 seconds, and a record keeper to record these values.
1. Drill a 4 mm hole near the bottom of the cylindrical part of a 2-liter plastic
soft-drink bottle. Attach a strip of masking tape marked in centimeters from 0
to 10, with 0 corresponding to the top of the hole.
2. With one finger over the hole, fill the bottle with water to the 10-cm mark.
Place the bottle over the bucket.
Evangelista Torricelli
© mediacolor’s/Alamy
Richard Le Borne