0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time (h)
Data, Functions, and Models
(c) Find the local minimum value of E. For what velocity is the energy E minimized?
[Note: This result has been verified; migrating fish swim against a current at a speed
50% greater than the speed of the current.]
50. Coughing When a foreign object that is lodged in the trachea (windpipe) forces a
person to cough, the diaphragm thrusts upward, causing an increase in pressure in the
lungs. At the same time, the trachea contracts, causing the expelled air to move faster
and increasing the pressure on the foreign object. According to a mathematical model of
coughing, the velocity of the air stream through an average-sized person’s trachea is
related to the radius r of the trachea (in centimeters) by the function
(a) Graph the function .
(b) Where is the function increasing and where is the function decreasing?
(c) What is the local maximum value of and at what value of r does the local
maximum occur?
51. Algebra and Alcohol The first two columns of the table in the Prologue (page P2)
give the alcohol concentration at different times in a three-hour interval following the
consumption of 15 mL of alcohol. The data are modeled by the function A, which is
graphed below together with a scatter plot of the data. (In Chapter 5 we learn how to
find an algebraic expression for the function A.)
(a) Use the graph of A to determine at what time the alcohol concentration is at its
maximum level.
(b) On what time interval is the alcohol concentration increasing?
(c) On what time interval is the alcohol concentration decreasing?
√ 1r 2= 3.211 - r2r
… r … 1
1.8 Working with Functions:
Modeling Real-World Relationships
Modeling with Functions
Getting Information from the Graph of a Model
IN THIS SECTION... we make real-world models, not from data but from a verbal
description. This includes models for cost, revenue, or depletion of resources and models
that depend on some geometrical property. Once a model has been found, we use it to get
information about the thing being modeled.
In Section 1.3 we learned how to find equations that model real-world data. In
Sections 1.5–1.7 we used functions to model the dependence of one changing quan-
tity on another. In this section we explore the process of making a model from a ver-
bal description of a real-world situation.