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of the Earth’s atmosphere is controlled by the rate
at which carbon (from CO
) is removed by photo-
synthesis and burial. The net rate of removal is
very small compared with the carbon flux
through the biosphere by growth and decay and
we have no reliable independent measure of it.
is also removed by solution in the sea and
incorporation in the shells of marine organisms,
but that process does not affect the oxygen bal-
ance. We know also that the most voluminous
material cycled through the atmosphere is
water, but that appears to be an essentially bal-
anced process that has no effect on the other
Although the Earth began with a primitive
atmosphere, it is unlikely to have had much, if
any, primordial crust and no continental crust.
These chemically different materials must have
separated from the much larger volume of the
mantle and not simply been deposited last on
the accreting Earth. Meteorite compositions sug-
gest only a core and mantle and that the crust has
developed over geological time, although we
believe that this process started very early.
Section 2.9 refers to three types of igneous crust
as first, second and third stage differentiates from
the mantle. Thus, crustal composition is also an
indicator of the evolution of the Earth, but, in this
case, we have less information from the other
planets for comparison. The oceans are unique
to the Earth, although that may not always have
been so. It has generally been assumed that the
continental crust is also unique, but it appears
possible that Mars has some continental-type
crust. On the other hand, it is evident that the
basaltic ocean floor has equivalents on the other
terrestrial planets and the Moon. But they have no
sea water to act as a flux for the generation of
andesitic magma from subducted ocean floor
crust. Since the average lifetime of the ocean
floor is about 10
years, only 5% of the ages of
large areas of continental crust, evidence of the
early history of the Earth’s evolution must be
sought in the continental crust (Section 5.3).
Biological activity is sensitive to its environ-
ment and the sequence of fossils that it has left in
the sedimentary layers of the crust provides us
with an historical record of the environment
(Section 5.5). This record was the basis for a
geological time scale long before the advent of
nuclear dating methods, which have provided
dates for the traditional geological periods
(Appendix I). Each of the named periods is identi-
fied with characteristic fossils and the important
feature is that they are distinct from one another.
The boundaries between them mark discontinui-
ties in the progressive evolution of life forms. We
refer to mass extinctions, when many species
disappeared, to be replaced by others for which
environmental niches appeared or were freed up.
The extinctions were consequences of environ-
mental crises that provide clues to the evolution
of the Earth itself. The ultimate causes have been
contentious and, although a consensus cannot yet
be claimed, the weight of evidence has shifted
from an emphasis on meteorite impacts to the
view that volcanic activity is the major contrib-
utor. The volcanic argument is linked to the evi-
dence of deep convective plumes in the mantle
(Chapter 12), the heat flux from the core
(Chapter 18) and the power source for the geo-
magnetic dynamo (Chapter 21).
The evolution of the core has also been a sub-
ject of disagreement. It hangs critically on the
question of a source of radiogenic heat. There is
no U, Th or K in iron meteorites and most recent
discussions have assumed that the radioactive
content of the core is negligible. This requires
the power of the geomagnetic dynamo to be
derived from progressive cooling. A long-standing
claim that potassium accompanied sulphur into
the core (Section 2.8) is strengthened by difficulty
in deriving enough heat from cooling to maintain
the dynamo with a long-lived inner core
(Section 21.4), but that argument can be ques-
tioned (Stacey and Loper, 2007). We know that
the core has cooled much less than the mantle,
leaving a thermal boundary layer at their inter-
face. Perhaps surprisingly, the availability of
radiogenic heat makes this easier to explain,
because it means that the core heat flux and the
dynamo can be maintained with slower cooling.
However, the relatively short half life of
introduces a complication to thermal history
calculations (Chapter 23). The difficulty would
be avoided by substituting uranium, but the
case for that appears even weaker. It has some-
times been suggested that the formation of the