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with O-H bonds oriented at an angle, so that the
negatively charged oxygen is displaced from the
point mid-way between the H
ions, giving the
O molecule an electric dipole moment. This is
responsible for many of the properties of water.
It is a good solvent for polar molecules, such as
NaCl, which dissociates into Na
and Cl
that are attracted to the opposite charges of the
water molecules, making the solution an electri-
cal conductor. Very few of the H
O molecules
dissociate in pure water; it is solutes that give
water the reputation of being a conductor. But
ground water always has enough solutes to make
it conducting for the purpose of electromagnetic
exploration and sea water is sufficiently conduct-
ing to screen the sea-floor from rapid geomag-
netic disturbances.
We now re-examine the role of water within
the Earth. As mentioned in Section 2.9 and
Chapter 12, water in interstices and hydrated
minerals in ocean floor sediments is carried
down with lithospheric material in subduction
zones, locally lowering the solidus temperature
(at which partial melting occurs) and leading to
andesitic volcanism. There are no direct observa-
tions of the balance between subducted water
and the water released to the atmosphere in
volcanos, but most of it is presumed to partition
into the magma and not to have a permanent
effect on the water content of the mantle. There
is generally less water in MORB than in OIB,
consistent with its classification with the ‘incom-
patible’ elements that are gleaned into the crust
by volcanism, and are more depleted in the
upper mantle than in the less processed lower
mantle. The solid Earth is probably continuing to
lose water slowly. However, the rate is far from
sufficient to accumulate the oceans in the life of
the Earth and they must have been established
early. But the water contents of basaltic lavas
that have not acquired subduction zone water
(as have andesites) suggest that the water still
remaining in the mantle is comparable to the
water of the oceans. This means that it is not
changing very significantly and that mechanical
properties that are influenced by it are sensibly
constant; it does not need to be treated as a
variable in calculations of thermal history
(Chapter 23).
Free water is known to lubricate faults and to
release earthquakes that would not occur under
dry conditions but it can exist only to moderate
depth, possibly limited to the upper crust.
Hydrated minerals which structurally incorpo-
rate water are well known, but they too, prob-
ably have a limited depth range and more
important at depth would be minerals with
structures including (OH)
ions (see for example
the list of mineral structures by Smyth and
McCormick (1995)). But such minerals would
not account for the phenomenon of hydrolytic
weakening, which is important to mechanical
properties and requires widely distributed
and/or H
ions that would locate at crystal
imperfections in the host minerals and should be
regarded as interstitial. Since oxygen is ubiqui-
tous this is equivalent to incorporation of water.
The strength of rock is largely attributable to the
strength and angular rigidity of Si-O bonds and
the effect of interstitial (OH)
or H
is to provide
alternative bonding, facilitating the breaking of
Si-O bonds. Measurements by Mei and Kohlstedt
(2000a, 2000b) of the rate of deformation of oli-
vine at high temperature and pressure under
hydrous and anhydrous conditions (Fig. 2.3) illus-
trate the weakening effect of water. The rheol-
ogy of the Earth, as inferred from post-glacial
rebound (Chapter 9) and mantle convection
(Section 13.2), requires some water at all depths.
It remains to ask why water is not more evi-
dent on other planets. As documented by
McSween (1999), carbonaceous chondrites con-
tain up to 18% water, of which only a tiny frac-
tion would be required for planetary oceans.
Mars may once have had surface water that
could have produced the features suggestive of
erosion if kept liquid long enough. The ready
escape of hydrogen from dissociated water in the
Martian atmosphere would allow dissipation of
the water if it could get high enough in such a
cold atmosphere for ultra-violet exposure, but
that leaves the question: what happened to the
oxygen? It may have been consumed in oxida-
tion of the crust. In the case of Venus, the very
limited water in the atmosphere is not easily
explained in view of its ability to retain light
gases. Perhaps the startlingly high
H ratio
holds a clue if that could be understood.