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age (Burchfield, 1975). Kelvin (1863) had shown
that if the Earth was cooling by diffusion of heat
through the crust then the progressively thick-
ening crust would have had a decreasing temper-
ature gradient, reaching the present state after
about 20 million years. The difficulty was that
recognized sedimentary layers required hun-
dreds of millions of years to accumulate.
Considered in isolation, Kelvin’s argument was
a weak one. The present heat flux from the Earth
(4.42 10
W – Pollack et al., 1993 – but less by
the estimate in Kelvin’s time) could be main-
tained for the presently understood age,
4.5 10
years, with average total cooling by
less than 1000 K (Problem 21.3). Internal temper-
atures of several thousand degrees were under-
stood, so the limitation was not inadequacy of
the heat source but the slowness of thermal dif-
fusion in a large body. Hypotheses of convection
and enhanced thermal conduction were
advanced by Kelvin’s contemporaries but never
taken seriously because they were seen to be
irrelevant. The real problem was not the Earth’s
heat but the energy of the Sun. Water-driven
erosion and sedimentation could have occurred
only as long as the surface of the Earth was
warmed by the Sun. Before the discovery of
nuclear reactions, there was no known mecha-
nism to maintain the solar output for the period
indicated by the sedimentary record. In retro-
spect it is easy to see that some new physics
was needed to resolve the difficulty.
The only important source of solar energy
known to pre-radioactivity physicists was gravita-
tional collapse. As we now know, this was needed
to raise the temperature of the Sun’s core to the
millions of degrees required to ‘ignite’ nuclear
fusion reactions. The energy released by collapse
of the Sun (mass M) to its present radius, R,and
internal density structure is
¼ kGM
=R ¼ 6:6 10
J; (4:1)
where k ¼1.74 is a numerical coefficient deter-
mined by the density distribution (tabulated in
Problem 1.3a, Appendix J) and G is the gravita-
tional constant. For a uniform sphere, k ¼3/5
(Problem 1.3b) and, if this were assumed, as in
the original calculation by Helmholtz (1856) and
Kelvin (1862), the energy would be 2.3 10
Equation (4.1) can be compared with the present
rate of loss of energy by radiation from the Sun:
¼ 4pr
S ¼ 3:846 10
W; (4:2)
where r
is the radius of the Earth’s orbit and
S ¼1370 W m
is the solar constant, the inten-
sity of radiation at distance r
. Dividing Eq. (4.1)
by Eq. (4.2), we find that, at the present rate of
radiation, the total gravitational energy would
last 1.7 10
s ¼54 million years. If we were to
assume only the energy of collapse to a uniform
sphere, as in the original calculation, we would
obtain 19 million years. Kelvin’s cooling Earth
calculation derived its strength from the coinci-
dence of his result with this value. All these
estimates neglect the thermal energy stored in
the Sun, which is a large fraction of the gravita-
tional energy released and allows an even
smaller age estimate.
By the end of the nineteenth century it had
become clear to many geologists that the deposi-
tion of the Earth’s sedimentary layers required
more time than these estimates allowed.
Nevertheless, the forcefulness of the physical
arguments was enough to persuade some influen-
tial geologists to side with Kelvin. They included
C. King, then director of the US Geological
Survey who, in the conclusion to an article on
the age of the Earth, published three years before
the discovery of radioactivity, wrote ‘... the con-
cordance of results between the ages of the sun
and earth certainly strengthens the physical case
and throws the burden of proof upon those who
hold to the vaguely vast age derived from sedi-
mentary geology.’ (King, 1893).
In reviewing the evidence available to pre-
radioactivity physicists, Stacey (2000) concluded
that Kelvin’s age-of-the-Earth paradox was inevita-
ble. No plausible model of the Sun could provide
sufficient energy to explain the sedimentary
record. Even the discovery of radioactivity did
not immediately solve the problem, although it
suggested that a solution was possible. If the Sun
were composed of 100% uranium, its radiogenic
heat would be only half of the observed solar out-
incompatible with such an extreme model. The
real resolution of the paradox emerged only in