– [72–80] 13.3.2008 11:51AM
the times of formation. The fact that the ratios
are found to differ is evidence that there were
already reservoirs of different
Hf ratios
when the zircons formed. This requires extended
periods of separation with different Lu/Hf ratios,
following differentiation of the kind that produ-
ces continental crust. The first acid igneous
crust, and by implication an ocean, must have
appeared very early indeed.
Evidence of very early differentiation within
the mantle was presented by Boyet and Carlson
(2005), who pointed out that all accessible terres-
trial materials have systematically higher iso-
topic ratios,
Nd, than do the chondritic
Nd is a decay product of
which has a half-life of 103 million years. If, as
is commonly assumed, the Earth accreted from
chondritic material, with no separation of Sm
from Nd, that is it has the same overall Sm/Nd
ratio as the chondrites, then there must be an
unsampled reservoir of material with a ratio
Nd lower than that of the chondrites.
The relatively short half-life
Sm of requires
that the separation of this reservoir occurred
very early in the life of the Earth. This observa-
tion revives, in modified form, the idea of chemi-
cally isolated upper and lower mantles, that has
generally been discarded in favour of whole
mantle convection. The requirement that heat
must be convectively removed from the entire
lower mantle, emphasized in Section 12.6,
means that the postulated isolated reservoir
must be very thin. If it exists, it must be held in
limited regions of D
, at the base of the mantle,
that is in the crypto-continents indicated in
Fig. 12.3. A simpler interpretation is that the
Earth’s Sm/Nd ratio does not precisely match
that of the chondrites, and that no such reservoir
is required. In view of the other chemical differ-
ences between the Earth and the chondrites,
drawn to attention by McDonough and Sun
(1995), we consider this to be more likely.
5.4 Separation of the core
A suggestion that separation of the core from
the mantle may have been delayed arose first
from a study of lead isotopes. Lead is moderately
siderophile and would have dissolved in the
core while uranium and thorium remained in
the mantle. The lead in all of the terrestrial sam-
ples in Table 4.2, except for the ancient ore body,
is deficient in early lead, relative to the iron
meteorites. This could be explained if core for-
mation were delayed, so that the lead dissolved
in it was appreciably radiogenic but strongly
biased to early lead (richer in
Pb, derived
U), leaving the mantle biased to late
lead (richer in
Pb). This hypothesis presents a
serious thermo-mechanical difficulty. The gravi-
tational energy released by settling out of the
core from a homogeneous core–mantle mixture
would be 1.6 10
J (Stacey and Stacey, 1999),
sufficient to raise the temperature of the core by
more than 6300 K. The gravitational instability of
a homogeneous mixture that this number repre-
sents makes its survival for tens of millions of
years implausible. This is emphasized by the fact
that even meteorite bodies appear to have had
separated cores. As soon as any iron began to
sink the heat released would trigger an ava-
lanche and complete the process. So, we must
consider that the core formed during the accre-
tion. But the possibility of a continuing exchange
between the mantle and core cannot be dis-
counted. The stronger late lead bias of OIB lead,
compared with MORB lead, is consistent with the
assumption that OIB reflects a more effective
gleaning of lower mantle lead into the core.
Three groups, whose work was summarized
by Fitzgerald (2003), used isotopic measure-
ments on tungsten to study this problem.
is a decay product of
Hf, which has a half-life
of 9 10
years, and the abundance of
sample, relative to the non-radiogenic isotopes
of tungsten, reflects the duration of very early
contact with hafnium. The essential finding is
that the
W concentration in carbonaceous
chondrites is two parts in 10
lower than in
terrestrial samples. Hafnium is a lithophile ele-
ment that would have remained with the sili-
cates during core separation, but tungsten is
moderately siderophile and an appreciable frac-
tion would have dissolved in the core. The mea-
surements mean that mantle tungsten is slightly
more radiogenic than chondritic tungsten. This
indicates that the separation of the core removed