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the concentration of mass towards the centre. The
moments of inertia of other bodies in the Solar
System are mentioned in Eq. (1.17) and Table 1.2.
The result in Eq. (7.3) was first used in modelling
the Earth by K. E. Bullen in the 1930s and remains
an important parameter that any model must
match, in the same way as the total mass must
agree with the observed mass (Section 17.6).
The dynamical ellipticity, H, appears also in
the explanation of another phenomenon, the
Chandler wobble (Section 7.3). This is a motion
of the Earth that involves no interaction with
any other body. It arises because the rotational
axis departs by a small angle, , normally about
0.15 arcsec (0.7 microradian) from the symmetry
axis, which is the axis of maximum moment of
inertia. This means that the rotational energy
exceeds the energy of symmetrical rotation
with the same angular momentum by an amount
proportional to
. The resulting gyroscopic tor-
que tends to turn the Earth so that its symmetry
axis coincides with the axis of angular momen-
tum (which remains fixed for the purpose of this
discussion because we are considering an effect
that is entirely internal to the Earth). The torque,
acting on the angular momentum, causes a pro-
grade precession of the rotational axis about the
angular momentum axis that is apparent as a
cyclic variation of latitude.
For a rigid Ea rth the wobble period would be
1/H days ¼305 days (see Eq. (7.2)). This was the
period sought for many years before the discov-
ery, by S. C. Chandler in 1891, of the observed
period, about 432 days. The difference is explained
by the elastic deformation of the Earth, with
accompanying responses of the oceans and core
to the gyroscopic torque. The deformation par-
tially adjusts the equatorial bulge towards sym-
metrical rotation, reducing the torque and so
lengthening the period of the motion. Thus, the
wobble provides a measure of the global average
rigidity of the Earth, a check on the elasticity
inferred from seismology (Chapter 17).
The wobble is damped with a time constant of
about 30 years (Eq. (7.25)), which means that it
must be continuously maintained. The mecha-
nism for its maintenance has been a contentious
issue for more than a century. Coupling to irreg-
ular core motions, atmospheric motions and
earthquakes have all been repeatedly examined
and found inadequate. We now have better evi-
dence of a cause, involving interaction of the
atmosphere and oceans, expressed primarily by
ocean floor pressure variations (Gross, 2000). The
14-month Chandler wobble is superimposed on a
slightly smaller 12-month variation, driven by
seasonal mass re-distribution, and is apparent
as a cyclic variation in the latitudes of observa-
tories, with an amplitude that is a bea t of the
14- and 12-month periods.
The astronomical observations that are the
subject of this chapter have a long history.
The relevance to various solid-Earth problems
emerged more recently. As already mentioned,
the determination of the dynamic ellipticity is
particularly important, but other observations of
interest include the elasticity of the Earth at the
wobble frequency and evidence of coupling of
the core to rotation of the mantle. Lambeck
(1980) gave a comprehensive review of the sev-
eral causes of rotational irregularity discussed in
this chapter and the following one.
7.2 Precession of the equinoxes
The two principal terms in the external gravita-
tional potential of the Earth are given by Eq. (6.13).
The central, r
, term is dominant, but the second
term is non-central, that is, it has a latitude
dependence, due to the equatorial bulge. In addi-
tion to the central gravitational force m @V=@rðÞ,
exerted on a mass m at (r,), there is a torque
m @V=@ðÞ, with a corresponding equal and
opposite torque exerted by the mass on the
to (m/r
). For small bodies, such as man-made satel-
lites, the only consequence is a regression of the
nodes of the satellite orbits, that is, a precessional
motion of the orbits about the equatorial plane
(Section 9.2). But the torques exerted on the
Moon and Sun are balanced by the torques exerted
by these bodies on the Earth and cause the preces-
sion of the Earth’s rotational axis. The process is
almost non-dissipative, although the possibility
that there is some precessional dissipation in the
core is considered in Section 24.7, in connection
with the power of the geomagnetic dynamo.