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meteorites, from which volatiles and core con-
stituents have been removed, is referred to as
the pyrolite model. It was originally derived by
A. E. Ringwood from elemental fractionations in
the process of partial melting that produces
basaltic magma. Although suggestive of fire, the
word pyrolite is a contraction of the two principal
minerals, PYRoxene and OLivine, a simple
combination of which approximates the mantle
composition. While there are numerous variants
of the pyrolite model, we can take the low
pressure form to be 60% olivine ((MgFe)
30% pyroxene ((MgFe)SiO
) and 10% garnet
). The garnet is more close-
packed than olivine or pyroxene and so survives
compression better. It tends to absorb the others
with increasing pressure until more dramatic
phase changes convert the minerals to new struc-
tures. A detailed development of the pyrolite
model of the mantle composition, presented by
McDonough and Sun (1995), appears reasonably
secure, but there is more uncertainty about
the core.
The mantle is not representative of the Earth
as a whole because some elements, especially
iron, have settled into the core. Although iron
is the dominant element, the core is 10% less
dense than pure iron under similar conditions
and the mixture of lighter elements causing this
has been debated for several decades (Poirier,
1994). The serious candidates are, in order of
increasing atomic weight and with mass frac-
tions in the outer core required if each were
the only light ingredient, H (1.4%), C (10.6%), O
(12.7%), Si (17.7%), S (18.2%). The choice between
them affects the estimated overall composition
of the Earth. Arguments in Section 2.8 favour a
mixture primarily of S and O in the outer core,
with S but little O in the inner core. The presence
of both H and C must be allowed but Si is not
favoured. Also we consider that the core is likely
to contain more Ni than is suggested by com-
positions of carbonaceous chondrites and is
better represented by the Ni contents of iron
We use the mantle þcrust (silicate Earth) com-
position by McDonough and Sun (1995) and an
estimated core composition based on Table 2.5 to
obtain the resulting total bulk Earth composition
in Table 2.2. Also listed is the composition of the
upper crust in continental areas, as estimated by
McLennan (1995). The crustal composition is very
diverse, and in referring to it we emphasize only
that its overall average differs from that of the
mantle. With respect to the major constituents of
the Earth, the contribution by the crust is lost in
the uncertainties, but many of the minor ele-
ments are concentrated in the crust. Notable are
the thermally important radioactive elements, K,
U and Th (see Chapter 21). The crust–mantle
boundary (Mohorovic
discontinuity) is identi-
fied by its density and seismic velocity contrasts.
It marks a world-wide compositional difference.
The biggest difference between crust and mantle
compositions is in the Mg concentration, partly
compensated by Al, leaving the crust much richer
in Si. In view of the prominence of these ele-
ments, the crustal composition is sometimes
referred to as sial (Si-Al), to distinguish it from
the mantle sima (Si-Mg).
A useful summary of the migration of ele-
ments in the evolution of the Earth is their
grouping in the periodic table according to geo-
chemical behaviour (Table 2.3). Siderophile
(iron-loving) elements that are presumed to be
core constituents are tightly clustered in the
table, and atmospheric elements are also an
obviously distinct category. Lithophile (silicate-
loving) elements are left after extraction of
the siderophile and chalcophile (sulphur-loving)
elements. There is a distinct group of elements,
termed ‘incompatible’, that do not fit well into
mantle crystal structures and separate into the
fluid during partial melting. Volcanic processes
concentrate them in the crust. They include
all the thermally important radioactive species
and leave elements such as Mg in a mantle
Hydrogen, primarily in the form of water, has
several crucial roles in the Earth, although it is
not represented with the most abundant ele-
ments in Table 2.2. It is especially obvious at
the surface, 70% of which is covered by water,
and occurs in trace abundance throughout the
mantle. Water is cycled through the atmosphere
at a rate equivalent to the volume of the oceans
in about 3000 years. Also, ocean water is cycled
through the uppermost mantle, being carried