– [1–26] 13.3.2008 10:39AM
Sun. By the giant impact hypothesis, the lunar
composition would be dominated by material
from the impactor, which must, therefore have
been in a solar orbit close to that of the Earth.
This means that its relative velocity was modest
and debris from the impact would have formed a
moon in a close terrestrial orbit. This agrees with
the calculations of Canup and Asphaug (2001),
which suggest that the Moon formed just outside
the Roche limit of gravitational instability at 3 R
(Earth radii) (Section 8.5). It would not have
formed at about 25 R
, as required by extrapola-
tion of tidal friction observations (Section 8.6).
We take a critical look also at the commonly
advanced argument that the angular momentum
of the Earth–Moon system requires a special
explanation, such as a giant impact. The orbital
angular momentum per unit mass of satellites is
necessarily very much greater than the rotational
angular momentum of their parent planets. For
the Moon the ratio is 400. It is much larger still for
the Jupiter system and, in Section 1.4, we point
out that for the Solar System as a whole 99.5% of
the angular momentum is attributed to orbital
motion of the planets, which have about 0.1% of
the mass. It is misleading to refer to a high angu-
lar momentum of the Earth–Moon system. All
that this means is that the Moon has a substantial
fraction of the total mass, so that its orbital angu-
lar momentum makes a large contribution to the
total. If the angular momentum argument is to
be pursued it must be diverted to a claim that
the large Moon/(Earth þMoon) mass ratio (1.2%)
requires a special explanation. Is this ratio anom-
alous? We believe not. In the Solar System there
are rather few examples to use for comparison.
Mercury and Venus have lost any satellites they
once had, for a reason discussed below. Pluto’s
satellite, Charon, appears to have about 12% of
the mass of that system. Satellites of the giant
planets are too small to hold the lighter gases
and we cannot make an effective comparison
with the heavy elements in their parent planets.
That leaves Mars as the anomaly, with so little
mass in its satellites. So, if we argue about angular
momentum, what data do we have to go on?
Perhaps we should consider the rotational speed
that a parent body would have if merged with its
satellites, conserving angular momentum. For
the Earth, that would mean a rotational period
of 4 hours. Repeating the calculation for the Solar
System as a whole, the rotational period of the
Sun would be about 3.5 hours (compared with the
present 28 days). We do not suggest that this is a
very significant statistic, but only that the angular
momentum of the Earth–Moon system offers no
evidence for a giant impact.
All of the giant planets have numerous satel-
lites (Table 1.1). Pluto has three (Weaver et al.,
2006) and the asteroid Ida has one, but the ter-
restrial planets have only three between them.
Mars has two very small ones and Venus and
Mercury have none, making the Earth’s single,
large satellite exceptional among the terrestrial
planets. But there is a straightforward explana-
tion for this situation. The orbit of the Moon is
evolving due to the energy dissipated by the tide
that it raises in the Earth (Section 8.4). The Earth
is losing rotational energy but a small fraction is
imparted to the lunar orbit, causing the Moon
to recede from the Earth at a rate that has caused
a major change in the orbit over its lifetime. The
recession of the Moon is a consequence of the
fact that the Earth’s axial rotation is faster than
the Moon’s orbital motion. If the Earth were
rotating more slowly than the orbital motion,
then tidal friction would, instead, cause the
Moon to spiral in towards the Earth because the
effect of tidal friction is to oppose the relative
rotation. The Sun also raises a tide in the Earth,
but it is smaller than the lunar tide. However,
Venus and Mercury, being closer to the Sun, have
larger solar tides. Solar tidal energy dissipation
(which varies with distance r from the Sun as r
has effectively stopped their rotations. Thus tidal
friction would have caused any satellites that
they once had to have spiralled in towards
them, eventually reaching the Roche limit of
gravitational instability (Section 8.5), although
the final stage of accretion of their fragments by
the parent planets is not so clear. If the Earth’s
rotation had been stopped by the solar tide, then,
from its primordial distance, the Moon would
have plunged into the Earth long ago.
Tidal friction also provides an explanation for
the fact that the Earth now has just one, large
satellite. At the present rate of rotation of the
Earth a synchronous orbit would be at 6.64 Earth