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25.6 Polar wander and continental
Direct observations of the Earth’s rotational axis
by conventional astronomical methods, and now
more accurately by satellite observations and very
long baseline interferometry (VLBI), show that
there is a drift of the North Pole towards 79 8W
at about 11 cm/year. Strictly, it is the Earth’s fea-
tures that are moving relative to the rotational
axis, which is unaffected by this process. The
motion is superimposed on the 14-month and
12-month wobbles that have a total amplitude of
about 5 m (Section 7.3). The polar drift is attri-
buted to an axial readjustment by the mass redis-
tribution of post-glacial rebound (Section 9.5), a
consequence of asymmetrical glaciation of polar
regions during the last ice age. It is a transient
phenomenon when viewed on the time scale of
the tectonic processes that cause polar wander
and continental drift, and causes a total move-
ment of the pole of no more than a few kilo-
metres. However, the rebound drift obscures
from direct observation by modern geodetic
methods the longer-term polar migration that is
studied by paleomagnetism. Satellite and VLBI
methods are used to measure tectonic move-
ments of the plates relative to one another, but
cannot distinguish the absolute tectonic motion
from the rebound effect.
On the other hand, paleomagnetism measures
continental movements, relative to the pole, over
hundreds and even thousands of millions of
years. The paleolatitude of a rock at the time of
its formation is given by the dip angle of its mag-
netization, using Eq. (24.11), and its orientation is
indicated by the direction of the horizontal com-
ponent of magnetization. Thus, the angular dis-
tance and direction to the pole are determined
and its position, relative to the sampled rock, can
be plotted on a globe, or on a projection of one.
Sufficient observations are made to average out
the secular variation and, assuming validity of the
axial dipole principle (while acknowledging the
small far-sided effect discussed in Section 25.3),
the paleomagnetic pole determined in this way is
also the geographic pole. Measurements on a ser-
ies of samples of different ages from the same
land mass give a series of pole positions that
mark a path, called an apparent polar wander
path. Thus, a primary observation of paleomag-
netism is polar wander, which can be observed
unambiguously for any land mass that remains
coherent. A typical rate of polar wander is 0.3 8
per million years and, for rocks younger than
about 20 million years, this cannot be separated
satisfactorily from the scatter due to secular var-
iation (Fig. 25.4). Deviations from the present pole
are apparent at about 30 million years and
become clearer with increasing age.
Greatest interest in polar wander curves
arises from comparisons of pole paths for differ-
ent continents, as in Fig. 25.10. Since, by the axial
dipole principle, the averaged pole was in the
same position at any particular time for all con-
tinents, the differences between pole paths indi-
cate relative drift of the continents. But, whereas
polar wander, relative to a particular land mass,
is completely specified by paleomagnetic obser-
vations, continental drift is subject to an ambi-
guity in longitude. Given the position of a pole
for a continent, we can place the continent on a
globe in latitude and orientation, but its longi-
tude is arbitrary. Thus, the longitude difference
between two continents cannot be deduced
solely from paleomagnetic observations. For
continental movements over the last 150 million
years we have vital additional information
in the magnetic stripes on the ocean floors
(Section 12.3) and the relative movements of
continents are fully resolved. For earlier peri-
ods, from which there is no surviving ocean
floor, the longitude ambiguit y remains a formal
problem, and less precise methods are used to
resolve it. The record is less secure for the
Precambrian period, more than 500 million
years ago, but continental reconstructions back
to 2.5 billion years have been presented (Pesonen
et al., 2003).
The first two pole paths to be compared were
for Europe and North America (Fig. 25.10). As was
immediately recognized, the simplest explanation
for their divergence is that the two continents
were once adjacent and drifted apart by the open-
ing up of the Atlantic Ocean basin. This is an
interesting example of the longitude ambiguity
problem mentioned above. The curves are