– [438–447] 13.3.2008 3:35PM
motions in the core are so rapid compared with
any contemplated rotational change that we con-
sider this to be unlikely.
Tidal friction causes a phase lag, ,ofthe
tide, relative to the position of the Moon or
Sun (Fig. 8.4), and dissipation is proportional
to sin 2d. The satellite-measured phase lag is
2.98. The maximum possible dissipation would
occur for ¼458 (sin 2 ¼1) and if the tidal
amplitude were unaffected the dissipation
would be 1/sin 5.88 ¼9.9 times the present
rate, giving 36 10
W. But a reduction in
tidal amplitude would accompany energy ext-
raction and the theoretical limit is nearer to
20 10
W. Although the energy reservoir is
extremely large, it is accessible only in a very
limited way. It is not a super-abundant power
source, even i n principle.
The harnessing of tides would be ‘mining’
energy in the sense of a permanent and irrever-
sible extraction of energy from a finite, although
vast, source. The harnessing of wind, waves and
river flow is qualitatively different. All three are
by-products of solar energy and all of the energy
that is available, in principle, is dissipated natu-
rally anyway. We may intercept and make use of
some of it, with local environmental consequen-
ces but no effect on the global energy balance.
Wind energy is conveniently exploitable at ele-
vations up to 100 m or so, in an atmospheric boun-
dary layer, within which wind speed increases
with height. This layer is responsible for the nat-
ural dissipation estimated in Section 26.2 and
energy is carried down into it from greater
heights. The consequence of extracting wind
energy, with turbines in the boundary layer, is
subtly different from the effect of obstacles, such
as buildings and trees, but the difference is not
important. It is obviously impossible to remove
all of the energy from the boundary layer
because that would completely stop it, leaving
no energy to be extracted and causing a new
boundary layer to form above it. This confirms
two earlier points. The wind energy is generated
high in the atmosphere and is dissipated any-
way, with or without man-made structures and
there is no global environmental consequence to
dissipation in man-made structures. The second
point applies to all of the energies in Table 26.3:
it is possible to ‘capture’ only a fraction and for a
viable source the required fraction needs to be
small. In response to the question ‘How small?’,
we note that, in the case of wind, by our esti-
mates, 12% would suffice to satisfy global energy
demand if energy extraction is confined to land
areas. Archer and Jacobson (2005) made a more
direct estimate of available wind energy from
records of wind speeds at 80 m elevation, a stand-
ard height for wind turbines. They concentrated
attention on continental areas of high average
wind speeds, v, because extractable energy
depends on v
(the rate at which air mass passes
through a turbine is proportional to v and
its kinetic energy per unit mass is proportional
to v
). The essential conclusion of Archer and
Jacobson is that sufficient energy is indeed acc-
essible, with existing technology, for wind to
become the dominant world energy source.
Ocean waves represent a more concentrated
form of energy than the wind that drives them,
but we are interested only in the dissipation that
occurs at coastlines. The calculation leading to
Eq. (26.9) gives an energy flux of 50 kW per metre
of wavefront for waves of 2 m peak-to-peak
amplitude and 10 s period. This concentration
of mechanical energy makes it appear attractive
from the perspective of small-scale engineering,
but on a global scale the 5 tW entry in Table 26.3
makes it evident that, irrespective of technical
problems, waves have no prospect of becoming a
major player in the energy game.
As pointed out in the previous section, if
every drop of water that flows to the sea in rivers
and streams were to flow all the way through
turbines of 100% efficiency, the total power gen-
eration (Table 26.3) would be less than half of the
present total energy use and only 20 times the
current hydroelectric power generation (which
continues to increase). This is a comment on the
ready accessibility of river power, but it is also an
indication that the most favourable sites are
already in use. The total capacity of the world’s
hydroelectric dams is about 7 10
and this
water storage on land has lowered sea level by
about 2 mm (perhaps 10% of the effect of all the
smaller dams). This is inconsequential. The
increased moment of inertia of the Earth is far
below the level that would cause an observable