parts of the existing network—hence the term. For instance,
additional generation at a remote site without corresponding
demand may require upgrade of transformers or lines in
existing parts of the grid to enable the distribution of the
additional electricity. As a rule, deep charges tend to be
higher at congested sites, making those locations less
See for a more detailed discussion, e.g. Woolf [13].
While elegant and logical, deep charging is not easy to
implement. Due to a lack of transparency, an investor may not
know at the time of decision the cost variation at different
sites. The cost of reinforcement depends largely on the actual
condition of the local grid, which is difficult to assess. It is
typically not fully disclosed to the network user, and even for
the network operator it is not trivial to determine
non-discriminating (i.e. fair) deep charges as further
described in Brunekreeft et al. [14]. Hence, the benefits of
deep charging, namely full cost recovery for the system
operator and targeted signals, have to be weighed against
substantially higher transaction costs in establishing the
In addition to connection charges, UoS charges can convey
locational signals to the investor. However, traditionally this
has not been the case. UoS charges were often average, based
on each voltage level and further differentiated by the extent
of use. This did not capture all of the effects that network use
may have on operation and expansion cost. In order to guide
investment, network charges have to reflect the actual
condition of the network at a specific site and the impact of
the network user. This impact is different for feed-in and
take-off of electricity and so should be the charges. Often