encourage generators to connect to the network where prices
are high, that is, electricity is scarce. Load is incentivized to
connect in regions with excess supply where prices are low.
This avoids the need for additional interconnection.
Moreover, differences between regions will incentivize
network owners to expand in areas where prices are high. In
practice, however, it can be difficult to demarcate the price
zones, as further described by Björndal and Jörnsten [18].
More precise locational signals originate from nodal spot
pricing, also known as locational marginal pricing (LMP) (for
further explanations see [19] and [20]).
A nodal pricing scheme assigns the overall cheapest supply
option to the demand units at each node. Nodal prices are
calculated by determining the marginal cost for the system of
supplying one additional MW of load at each node, while
taking loop flows into account [21]. A nodal pricing scheme
reflects the topology of the system in detail and thereby takes
into consideration losses and congestion. It has been shown
that nodal prices send efficient signals for short-term
optimization, but insufficient long-term signals. In other
words, they send good signals for the optimization of
operation [19] and [21], but since they do not reflect fixed
network cost, signals are not sufficient to guide efficient
investment decisions [9] and [14].
Nodal spot pricing is often deemed the optimal methodology
for network pricing since it gives first best signals for system
operation, particularly in terms of congestion management.
Indeed, a recent study based on data from U.S. market areas
indicates significant benefits for the move towards nodal
pricing [22]. The benefits typically outweigh the one-off
implementation costs within the first year. However, it seems