types of generation technologies expected to provide those
growing amounts of balancing services will have to be
characterized by rapid up- and down-ramping capabilities, as
well as minimally short start-up and cool-down times. It is
still an open question whether these new operating
requirements can be entirely met by existing generation
resources. Moreover, cycling and peaking units that would be
providing such services might potentially be faced with
difficulties in realizing sufficient profits, given the
unpredictable patterns of dispatch calls. It is essential that a
range of future empirical studies and analyses focus on
resolving those issues—the resulting solutions will inevitably
be driven by the specific weather, load, and economic
conditions across various control areas and system operators.
Second, as wind and solar penetration increases significantly,
it is likely that wind and solar generation resources will
displace some of the marginal peaking and cycling fossil-fuel
units. As a result, wind and solar generation could also force
some traditional baseload plants to operate in a way that
resembles cycling units. Most baseload plants, however, are
not designed to operate in that way. Forcing them to do so
will very likely reduce their capacity factors and revenues and
increase their heat rates—all of which is, of course,
significantly disadvantageous to baseload generators. In
addition, the increased wear and tear due to more frequent
cycling of units, which are not traditionally designed to cycle,
will result in higher operation and maintenance costs, further
reducing their profitability. The combined effect of these first
two situations is illustrated in Figure 10.5.
Source: ERCOT Energy Seminar 2009, Chairman Barry T. Smitherman,
Public Utility Commission of Texas, November 12, 2009.