generation at a time when it might be increasingly needed to
provide flexible generation services.
Increased operation and maintenance costs and higher heat
rates are not the only negative effects of increased cycling of
conventional generation. Higher heat rates due to inefficient
and more frequent cycling instructions also result in increased
emissions—higher emissions are directly translated into
adverse environmental impacts and higher air emission
compliance costs. In order to provide flexibility services for
greater levels of renewable generation penetration,
conventional units will have to operate at lower output levels
to preserve their ability to respond to increased net
load-following and regulation ramps. Those units are most
likely to be combined cycle gas turbines.
In general, combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) have low
NOx burners, which reduce their nitrous oxides emissions by
lowering the temperature of combustion. Unfortunately, this
type of emission control has considerably reduced
effectiveness if the generator operates at less than 60% of its
nominal rating—this is likely to occur when it is operating as
a regulation or load-following service resource for a system
with large levels of renewable generation installed. This
scenario is also likely in the instance when “must-take”
renewable generation forces reductions in CCGTs, generation
output level or heat rate efficiency. Furthermore, baseload
units that have been forced to cycle but are not designed to do
so will also, as outlined above, suffer from increased heat
rates—as a result, those generators will be burning
significantly greater amounts of fossil fuels to generate the
same level of electricity. Again, the increased fuel usage will
lead to higher fossil-fuel emissions.