California ISO, Integration of Renewable Resources—Transmission and
Operating Issues and Recommendations for Integrating Renewable
Resources on the ISO-Controlled Grid (Nov. 2007), available at
California ISO, Integration of Renewable Resources—Operational
Requirements and Generation Fleet Capability at 20% RPS, August 31,
2010, available at
The results presented in the 2010 study have significant
operational and market implications. From an operational
perspective, the CAISO is concerned with the extremes of
potential impacts, particularly large, fast ramps that are
difficult to forecast and likely to occur more frequently with
larger amounts of wind and solar resources on the grid. Thus,
key objectives of the simulations we conducted were to
estimate the capabilities of the fleet to meet these operational
needs and clarify possible changes to market and operational
practices to ensure that the system can perform as needed
under these extreme conditions. The study identified the
maximum values of simulated operating requirements, such
as load-following and regulation, by operating hour and by
season. In addition, to clarify how more typical daily
operations may change, the 2010 study report provided
distribution statistics for most of the simulated requirements
and capabilities to facilitate both operational and market
The following graphs illustrate overgeneration conditions
during morning hours of a simulated May 28, 2012, date.
Figure 6.5 shows the makeup of the supply output compared
to system load, and indicates an oversupply condition
between 5:00 AM and 8:00 AM. Figure 6.6 shows the
exhaustion of downward ramping capability during the same