any emergency line ratings, and may even have to respond to
a contingency event while it is responding to the
intermittency of the renewable generation.
Describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary balancing
mechanisms this way helps to convey how the variability and
uncertainty of renewable resources can challenge grid
operations. Before the variability and uncertainty associated
with renewable resources became a concern, supply resources
were all highly controllable and predictable, and therefore the
largest contributor to real-time imbalance was the variability
and uncertainty of the load. With increasing penetration of
renewable resources, the supply side of the operational
balance is also variable and uncertain, with supply variation
offsetting load variation in some instances and adding to it in
others in a manner that is not easy to predict.
For example, during the morning when load is naturally
increasing, wind production in California is typically
decreasing, thereby increasing the need for capacity that the
CAISO can dispatch up to follow net load. At the same time,
solar production will typically increase as the morning sun
rises and can somewhat offset decreasing wind production,
although there can be a temporal gap between the fall-off of
wind production and the upswing of solar. Obviously, the
complementary problem can occur during the evening ramp,
the exact nature of which tends to vary with weather
conditions and the daylight savings time regime.
Other operational challenges expected to increase with more
renewable generation on the grid include voltage control and
congestion management. Conventional resources are required
to be capable of providing a certain amount of reactive power
or voltage control, but currently no such requirements exist