Source: Electricity Storage Association,
With the exception of pumped hydropower and perhaps
CAES, the other energy storage technologies are expensive
options. As a result, they are not widely used on a large-scale
commercial basis for long-duration applications, which
require several hours of power output at the storage device's
rated power capacity. For arbitrage and load-following
applications, the target capital cost for commercialization is
$1,500 per kW or $500 per kWh, with an operations and
maintenance cost of $250–$500 per MWh for a discharge
duration of 2 to 6 hours [22]. These requirements mean that
costs need to be lowered for technologies such as lithium-ion
batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and advanced flywheels
for grid-scale applications. Placement flexibility could be
important for the economics of energy storage given that
electrochemical storage devices are not constrained to a
specific geographic topology and hydrological system, unlike
CAES and pumped hydropower systems.
With the growing contributions of intermittent energy
resources across the United States, load-balancing
requirements are expected to grow. A Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL) study has estimated the
balancing requirements for the 2019 timeframe under a 14.4
GW wind scenario in the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP).
This study examined various scenarios for meeting balancing
requirements using an array of technologies, including
sodium-sulfur and lithium-ion batteries, combustion turbines,
demand response, and pumped hydropower. The main
insights were that sodium-sulfur was the least costly option
whereas pumped hydropower was the most costly option, and