Calculating Effi cient Portfolios When There Are No Short-Sale
9.1 Overview
This chapter covers the theory and calculations necessary for both
versions of the classical capital asset pricing model (CAPM)—both
that which is based on a risk-free asset (also known as the Sharpe-
Lintner-Mossin model) and Black’s (1972) zero-beta CAPM (which
does not require the assumption of a risk-free asset). You will fi nd
that using a spreadsheet enables you to do the necessary calculations
The structure of the chapter is as follows: We begin with some prelimi-
nary defi nitions and notation. We then state the major results (proofs are
given in the appendix to the chapter). In succeeding sections we imple-
ment these results, showing you
How to calculate effi cient portfolios.
How to calculate the effi cient frontier.
This chapter includes more theoretical material than most chapters in
this book: Section 9.3 contains the propositions on portfolios that under-
lie the calculations of both effi cient portfolios and the security market
line (SML) in Chapter 11. If you fi nd the theoretical material in section
9.3 diffi cult, skip it at fi rst and try to follow the illustrative calculations
in section 9.4. This chapter assumes that the variance-covariance matrix
is given; we delay a discussion of various methods of computing the
variance-covariance matrix until Chapter 10.
9.2 Some Preliminary Defi nitions and Notation
Throughout this chapter we use the following notation: There are N risky
assets, each of which has expected return E(r
). The matrix E(r) is the
column vector of expected returns of these assets:
and S is the N × N variance-covariance matrix: