Neutron Dosimetry 463
Method (CDM) was studied, employing two identical p-
n junctions, one bare and one covered by a
polyethylene converter (typically 35
m thick). In the
CDM (Figure 10.56), the difference of the two diode
counts is taken, as it should theoretically be free of elec-
tronic background and
r contribution. Unfortunately, the
two diodes are never truly identical and, to avoid the
sensitivity, it was necessary to set a threshold at 600 keV,
despite the removal of most metal parts and the reduction
of the depleted layer to 10
m. In the 1–4 MeV neutron
energy range, the sensitivity in terms of individual dose
equivalent falls between 0.5 and 1 pulse per
Sv (Figure
10.57). Thermal neutrons are also detected, due to the
A method using one PN junction covered with a
hydrogenous converter (
B-loaded) was proposed by
Bordy et al. [44] for individual neutron dosimetry. This
method is based on a pulse-shape analysis to discriminate
the photon signal from the neutron signal. It allows drastic
reduction of the photon sensitivity (by a factor of 1000).
By applying a neutron correction factor to the low-energy
events, the gap in neutron sensitivity for intermediate
energy can be partly filled. Lead shields used to surround
the detector allow the remaining photon sensitivity to be
decreased by a factor of two. An especially designed
hydrogenous moderator placed at the top of the detector
allows the neutron sensitivity to be increased by a factor
of two for 250-keV neutron energy.
The device (Figure 10.58) consists of 3 parts: (1) the
detector and preamplifier (Intertechnique PSC 762); (2) the
amplifier step and the pulse shape analyzer, all made of
commercial NIM standard board; and (3) three multichan-
nel analyzers that record the spectra corresponding to Sol,
So2, and So3. The detector consists of (a) a Canberra PIPS
diode (300-
m thickness, bulk resistivity: 600 cm, sen-
sitive area: 1 cm
) covered with (b) a polyethylene con-
B-loaded (5 10
bore, 30
m thick). Conduc-
tive rubber rings (c) and an aluminum plate (d) are
used to apply a reverse-bias voltage to the junction for
12 V. The depleted layer is about 30
m thick. Two printed
circuits (e) join the different pieces together.
The rise time measurements are carried out with a
time amplitude converter (TAC). The rise time is measured
between a “start” and a “stop” signal related to the event
being measured. The amplitude of the logic pulses gener-
ated by the TAC is related to the interval between these
two signals. The “start” signal is generated when the ana-
log input pulse crosses a low-level threshold. This marks
the arrival time of the event. The “stop” signal is produced
by a timing single channel analyzer when the peak of the
input pulses is detected; this technique uses the zero-
crossing of a bipolar pulse related to the input pulse. Thus,
the rise time is virtually independent of the input signal
A dip in neutron sensitivity is noticed around 250 keV
(Figure 10.59). An attempt has been made to obviate this
problem by applying a weighting factor and adding
hydrogenous moderator. The moderator allows the sensi-
tivity to be increased around 0.25 MeV (Figure 10.59),
but this sensitivity remains low.
A real-time personal neutron dosimeter has been
developed by Nakamura et al. [45] The dosimeter contains
two neutron sensors, a fast neutron sensor and a slow
neutron sensor, which are both p-type silicon semiconduc-
tor detectors contacted with two different radiators of
polyethylene and boron. The neutron detection efficiencies
of these sensors were measured in a thermal neutron field
and monoenergetic neutron fields from 8 keV to 22 MeV.
Figure 10.60 shows the cross-sectional views of the
fast and slow neutron sensors. The fast neutron sensor is
a 10 10-mm
p-type silicon crystal, on which an amor-
phous silicon hydride is deposited. The slow neutron sen-
sor is also a 10 10-mm
p-type silicon on which a
natural boron layer is deposited around an aluminum elec-
trode to detect
and Li ions from the
Li reaction.
Both sensors are in contact with 80-
m-thick, polyethyl-
ene radiators to produce recoil protons from the H(n, n)p
reaction. The slow neutron sensor has some sensitivity for
fast neutrons but is mainly used to measure neutrons with
energies less than 1 MeV, while the fast neutron sensor
measures neutrons with energies in the MeV region.
The detector is operated by applying the opposite bias
15 V, and a depletion layer of 60
m thickness is
generated under the amorphous silicon hydride, which can
fully absorb
Li, and recoil proton energies but absorbs
FIGURE 10.57 Fluence response of the CDM coupled diodes
as a function of neutron energy
(normalized to 1 cm
). (From
Reference [39]. With permission.)
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