452 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
Bubble dosimeters generally have low sensitivity to
photon radiation.
The superheated drop detector (SDD), invented by
Apfel et al. [32], consists of a collection of superheated
drops suspended in a gel. Its operation is based on the
same principle as that of the bubble chamber, namely, the
initiation of vapor bubbles by energetic ions in super-
heated liquids. The volume of vapor or the acoustic waves
given out when superheated drops vaporize serve as a
measure of neutron exposure. Since the drops are kept in
a “perfectly smooth” container, i.e., another liquid, the
sample can be maintained in a superheated state for a long
period of time. The repressurization procedure needed in
the conventional bubble chamber is avoided, and when
one drop boils explosively, it does not trigger boiling in
adjacent drops. Therefore, each drop in the SDD is a
continuously sensitive miniature bubble chamber. It rep-
resents stored mechanical energy which is released when
triggered by radiation. The operation of the SDD does not
require any power source. Using appropriate materials, it
can operate at room temperature and have a near dose-
equivalent response. Direct readability, simplicity of prep-
aration, and low cost make it potentially useful in the
measurement of neutron dose-equivalence for patients
undergoing high-energy x-ray or electron radiotherapy.
The elemental composition of an SDD by weight is
9.6% hydrogen, 23.4% carbon, 66.3% oxygen, 0.24%
fluorine, and 0.46% chlorine, and its physical density is
1.14 g cm
, very similar to that of tissue-equivalent liquid
used in neutron dosimetry.
The SDD is available in several forms, from a pen
dosimeter to an electronic bubble event counter. The
detector employed by Nath et al. [33] was a 4-cm
vial filled with a gel into which approximately 20,000
drops were mixed. Each drop was about 65
m in diameter
and upon vaporization expanded to about 500
m. The
superheated drop material was a halocarbon (CCI
), oth-
erwise known as Freon 12.
A graduated pipette was fitted onto the vial cap to read
the gel volume displaced by neutron-induced bubbles.
After screwing the cap fitted with the pipette to the vial,
the vials were inverted to trap the rising bubbles in the gel
and prevent them from rising to the surface and escaping
through the indicator pipette, thereby causing erroneous
volume readings.
The neutron dose equivalent vs. volume relationship
was fitted by least squares with an equation of the form:
where and are the fitting parameters determined
from absolute calibration. The calibration curve was linear
up to 5.0 mSv (500 mrem), with a cumulative maximum
usable dose equivalent of about 50 mSv (5000 mrem).
The sound produced by bubble formation was
recorded by transducers that sense the accompanying pres-
sure pulse. The active survey meter (ASM) electronically
discriminates against spurious noise and vibration. Several
devices based on the technology described have been
designed. Some are active counters acoustically detecting
the sound pulses emitted when drops vaporize. Recent
versions perform pulse shape analysis, record the exposure
time history, and provide dose rate estimates. Others are
passive, integrating meters typically employed in person-
nel monitoring. Two types of passive dosimeters exist:
they are based either on the optical counting of the bub-
bles, which are permanently trapped in a stiff polymer
matrix, or on the measurement of their total volume, which
is, in this case, inferred from the expansion of a soft gel
they are dispersed in.
FIGURE 10.39 Glow curve of TLD-100 () irradiated in a mixed
,n) radiation field. and (1
MeV) analyzed (a) with and (b) without corrections in the heating
profiles of the calibration curves.
The dolled and broken curves
the contributions of the calibration curves and to the
total glow curve (solid line). Results for (a): ,
. Results for (b): ,
. (From Reference [29]. With permission.)
3.5 mGy D
98.5 mGy
3.6 mGy
92.7 mGy
4.8 mGy
63.7 mGv
Dose Equivalent(mSv) c
1 volume(cm)
Ch-10.fm Page 452 Friday, November 10, 2000 12:04 PM