252 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
the first-order TL kinetics model according to the “Podgor-
sak approximation” method (Equation (4.22)). [25]
All glow curves were normalized to the highest peak
height at T
220°C (Figure 4.41). It is apparent that the
area under the deconvoluted high-temperature glow peak,
A(HT), increases with the average neutron energy. It is
evident that the high-temperature (300°C) peak of TLD-
700 dosimeters is sensitive to gamma-rays as well, but to a
lesser extent than to fast neutrons.
The development of high sensitivity TLD by doping LiF crys-
tals with Mg, Cu, and P was first done by Nakajima et al. [25]
The sensitivity of the new TLD was more than 20 times
higher than that of LiF:Mg,Ti. Wu et al. [26] showed that
LiF:Mg,Cu,P (LiF(MCP) maintains its sensitivity during
prepared reuse cycles. The TL characteristics of
LiF:Mg,Cu,P include, in addition to high sensitivity, almost
flat photon energy response, low fading rate, and linear dose
response. The sensitivity and glow-curve shape are both
dependent on the maximum readout temperature and the
pre-irradiation annealing parameters. Short low-tempera-
ture annealing of 165°C for 10 s prior to readout is capable
of removing most of the low-temperature peaks. As a result,
there is very little fading up to two months or more at room
temperature. High-temperature annealing at 400°C results
in irreversable elimination of the main dosimetric peak and
causes some increase in the high-temperature peaks.
Advantages of LiF:Mg,Cu,P include high sensitivity
as compared to LiF:Mg,Ti, almost flat photon energy
response, low fading rate, and linear dose response. The
lack of supralinearity at higher dose levels is particularly
useful for accident dosimetry and eliminates the source of
error usually associated with the application of supralin-
earity corrections. The main drawbacks are still the rela-
tively high residual signal and the loss of sensitivity for
high-readout temperatures. LiF:Mg,Cu,P is interesting in
low-dose measurements due to its high sensitivity and its
good tissue equivalence.
The glow curve of LiF(MCP) consists of several over-
lapping glow peaks. The main peak at approximately
220°C, known as peak 4, is the one used for dosimetry
applications (the “dosimetric peak”). The rest of the glow
curve consists of a low-temperature part in the range of
approximately 70–160°C (peaks 1, 2, and 3), and a high-
temperature peak at approximately 300°C (peak 5). There
is evidence that the glow curve of this material is even
more complicated where peaks 4 and 5 are each composed
of two overlapping peaks.
The high sensitivity, combined with its tissue equiv-
alence, is the main advantage of this material in per-
sonal dosimetry applications. The sensitivity of
LiF(MCP) is approximately 25 times higher than that
of LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100). It is important to note, how-
ever, that the measured sensitivity depends not only on
the TL properties of the material itself, but also on the
spectral response of the light detection system. Both
LiF(MCP) and LiF:Mg,Ti have the same effective
atomic number (8.2) and could therefore be expected
to have a similar photon energy response in reality. The
over-response of LiF:Mg,Ti at 30 keV is approximately
35% (relative to 662 keV), as compared to only 6% for
The sensitivity of LiF:Mg,Cu,P was studied by Furetta
et al. [27] as a function of the annealing temperature and
of the repeated cycles of annealing-irradiation-readout. A
fading study was carried out over a period of 40 days with
the purpose of checking the stability of the stored dosim-
etric information as a function of different annealing tem-
peratures. 10 LiF:Mg,Cu,P phosphors were cycled 10
times according to the following sequence: annealing, irra-
diation, readout.
FIGURE 4.38 Dose build-up in solid water for a 6-MV x-ray
beam, field size 10
10 cm
. Three TLD chips of different
thicknesses (nominal thickness nc: 0.89 mm, tc: 0.39 mm, and
xtc: 0.14 mm) were placed at different depths in solid water. The
thickness of the chips was taken into account, assuming the
active center of the chip to be in its physical center. Error bars
show the range of uncertainty (
2 SD) for the first chip of each
type. (From Reference [21]. With permission.)
Ch-04.fm Page 252 Friday, November 10, 2000 12:01 PM