236 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
for the dosimeters that were exposed to light, and
for the dosimeters that were kept in the dark. In both cases,
the fading factor is given by f
) I(
0), where
) is the integral TL emission at the time
The second experiment (UV post-irradiation) led to a
drastic change in the shape of the TL glow curve after the
exposure to UV light, by comparison with the glow curve
of the TLD-100 detectors irradiated with x-rays only
(Figure 4.18a and b). As can be seen, peaks 4 and 5 are
now resolved and, furthermore, peak 5 now shows a higher
fading than peak 4.
Pre-irradiation annealing treatment at 150°C reduces
the sensitivities of peak 4 (197°C) and peak 5 (209°C),
whereas the intensity of peak 2 (108°C) is enhanced. The
TL intensities of peak 7 (271°C) and peak 10 (441°C)
remain practically unaffected (Bhatt et al.). [11]
Figure 4.19 shows an example of a deconvoluted curve.
The area under each peak of the deconvoluted curves is
being used for the calculation of sensitization factors and
Figure 4.20 shows a typical glow curve for virgin as
well as for 150°C, 6-h pre-irradiation annealed samples.
For 150°C, 6-h pretreated samples, the intensity of peak
2 increases by a factor of 1.82, whereas the intensity of
TL peak 5 is reduced by a factor of 36. Another TL peak
at 235°C (peak 6) appears due to this temperature treat-
ment. TL peaks 7 and 10 are affected only slightly by this
It is seen that for the 150°C pre-annealing treatment,
both peaks 4 and 5 decrease, possibly due to precipitation
of phase 6 LiF:MgF
. It may be noted that optical bleach-
ing and thermal annealing investigations have shown con-
vincingly the interrelationship between TL peaks 4 and 5
and the 310-nm absorption band. Thus, the two peaks are
expected to behave in a similar fashion during the pre-
irradiation annealing treatment.
The glow-curve characteristics of a single a crystal
LiF:Mg,Ti, grown by the Bridgman method, were studied
by Weizman et al. [12] as a function of Ti concentration
(3–14 ppm Ti). The glow curves were deconvoluted into
component glow peaks using mixed-order (MO) model
kinetics. The TL sensitivities and activation energies of
the glow peaks were studied in both post-irradiation
annealed and unannealed samples. In glow curves follow-
ing a 165°C
15-min anneal to remove peaks 2–4, the acti-
vation energy of peak 5 was observed to increase from
1.65 0.1 eV at the lowest Ti concentrations to 1.9
0.1 eV from 8–14 ppm Ti concentration. Deconvolution
of the glow curve is shown in Figure 4.21.
The sensitivity of the various peaks (2–5) as a function
of Ti concentration is illustrated in Figure 4.22. The de-
pendence of the TL sensitivity of peak 5 on the square of
the Ti concentration would seem to indicate that the
TC/LC complex may be the result of the incorporation of
two Ti(OH)
or O complexes coupled independently to
two of the dipoles participating in the formation of the
Thermoluminescence and optical absorption of
-particle-irradiated LiF:Mg,Ti single crystals have
been studied by Bos et al. [13] The optical absorption
(OA) bands were measured during a heating regime which
FIGURE 4.17 The fading of the TL signal for TLD-100 detectors irradiated with bremsstrahlung x-rays. The continuous lines represent
the best fit for the two sets of experimental points. Line
A (), exposed to light, (ax
) C, error: 7.200 10
, a 6.151 10
, b
1.939 10
, C 1.191. Line B (), stored in darkness, a exp(cx
), error: 7.492 10
, a 1.162, b 7.326 10
, c
5.312 10
. (From Reference [10]. With permission.)
() 1.16 0.007
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