Ionization Chamber Dosimetry
and ergonomic structure. [106] The RAM R-200 meter
contains an internal detector for gamma field measurements
which covers a wide dynamic range of 0.1
Sv h
to 1
Sv h
. The meter includes two energy-compensated GM
tubes, high-voltage regulated power supply, signal pro-
cessing electronics, and embedded microprocessor cir-
cuitry with dedicated software for data processing and
display. A microprocessor-controlled auto ranging switch
determines the appropriate GM tube to be used according
to the dose rate. Additional functions include accumulated
dose measurement, malfunction detection and provision
of appropriate alarm, auto recognition of external probes,
and three serial RS-232 communications channels. The
RAM R-200 supports the logging of beta-gamma surface
contamination activity and dose-accumulation and dose-
rate measurements into its internal battery-backed-up
memory. The logged data includes location (provided
by an external GPS or a bar-code reader) and acquisition
time. The sophisticated software enables smooth analog
and digital display and fast response when abrupt changes
in the dose rate measurements occurs. The meter readout
is displayed on a large easy-to-read custom-designed
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
The RAM R-200 meter’s ability to concurrently mea-
sure and analyze radiation fields from both internal and
external probes enables dose-accumulated and dose-rate
alarms from the internal detector while the instrument
measures and displays readings from the external probe.
This feature improves the operator’s safety.
A dedicated integrated circuitry was designed and
implemented in order to achieve very low power consump-
tion, yielding prolonged system operability over 100 hours,
using a standard 9-V alkaline battery. The RAM R-200
probes can be operated using the RAM R-200 meter or
by direct connection to a PC via the serial port. Testability
and calibration of the meter and external probes are per-
formed directly from a PC. This concept for testability
significantly simplifies maintenance and operation.
The RAM R-200 system includes three external
probes: RG-40 for a high-range gamma field covering a
dose rate range of 1 mSv h
to 100 Sv h
, and RG-12
and RG-10 end-window GM probes for beta/gamma con-
tamination detection and measurement. Similar to the
meter, these probes are designed to withstand vibrations,
shocks, and extreme temperature conditions.
All RAM R-200 external probes include an internal
microcontroller circuitry, self-regulated power supply for
the internal electronics, high-voltage power supply, and
GM output signal processing electronics. The external
probe microcontroller performs data processing, enables
RS-232 serial communication, and executes a continual
built-in test for detection of malfunction conditions to
increase reliability and easy maintenance.
After connecting the external probes to the meter, the
latter performs automatic probe identification. No further
calibration or operator’s action is required.
Figure 3.126 shows the main board layout; Figure
3.127 shows a block diagram of the internal detector
board; Figure 3.128 shows a block diagram of the external
detector for high dose rate monitoring; Figure 3.129 shows
a block diagram of the CPU board; Figure 3.130 shows
the energy response of the internal detector; and Figure
3.131 shows the dose rate response of the R-200 detector.
The RAM R-200 meter and the RG-40 probe were
tested over a wide range of gamma fields. The intrinsic
error of the whole effective measurement range was less
10%. The results meet international standard
TABLE 3.44
Xradin Ionization Chambers, Spokas Planar
Chamber Models A11, P11, T11 Dimensions
Figure 3.122
• Planar geometry • Homogeneous construction • Complete
guarding • Waterproof construction • Gas flow capability • Low
mass collector • Integrally flexible, low-noise cable •
Separable minimum scatter stem • Handsome, rugged wooden
• Collecting volume: 0.62 cm
• Collector diameter: 20.0
mm • Window thickness: 1.0 mm • Body, collector, and
guard material: Model A11–Shonka air-equivalent plastic C552;
Model P11–Polystyrene equivalent plastic D400;
Model T11–Shonka tissue-equivalent plastic A 150
• Maximum polarizing potential: greater than 1000 V •
Inherent leakage currents: less than 10
amperes • Cable:
50 Ohms, 29 pF/f, 2 m long • Signal connector: choice of
coaxial and triaxial BNC plugs and jacks and triaxial TNC
plug • Nominal calibration factor for
Co :5.5 R/nC
From Reference [103]. With permission.
TABLE 3.45
Thin-Window Chamber Models AIITW, PIITW,
TIITW Dimensions
Figure 3.123
• Planar geometry • Homogeneous construction •
Complete guarding • Thin stretched conductive window •
Waterproof with cover over window • Low mass collector
• Gas flow capability • Integrally flexible, low-noise cable
• Separable minimum scatter stem • Matching equilibrium
caps • Handsome, rugged wooden case
• Collecting volume: 0.94 cm
• Collector diameter: 20.0
mm • Window: Conductive Kapton film, 3.86 mg/cm
Body, collector, and guard material: Model Al11TW–Shonka
air-equivalent plastic C552;
Model P11TW–Polystyrene-equivalent plastic D400;
Model T11TW–Shonka tissue-equivalent plastic A150
From Reference [103]. With permission. 3) Page 201 Friday, November 10, 2000 12:00 PM