Ionization Chamber Dosimetry 119
negative chamber bias. These readings were corrected for
the polarity effect.
Build-up curves in polystyrene for 5 5 and 20
20 cm
6-MV x-ray fields angled at 60° and 75° with no
blocking tray in the beam are shown in Figure 3.35. The
%DD values in the graphs are obtained by dividing the ioni-
zation charge collected at the slant depth along the central
ray of the beam by the ionization charge collected with the
same detector at the reference depth of a normally incident
beam. The relative response as a function of depth along
the central axis of the beam for the Memorial chamber and
TLD powder is also shown in Figure 3.35.
The magnitude of the over-response at the phantom
surface for several fixed-separation plane-parallel cham-
bers as a function of beam angulation for a 5 5-cm
field is shown in Figure 3.36. Relative response for these
figures is defined as the %DD at the surface for the test
chamber for a beam incident at
° divided by the %DD
for the extrapolation chamber, 0-mm plate separation, at
the surface for a beam incident obliquely at the same
angle. The response of the chambers at 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°,
and 75° relative to the response of the extrapolation
chamber is shown in Figure 3.36a for 6-MV x-rays. Based
on this data, the relative response of the chambers at 0°
ranged from 1.6 to as high as 2.3 times greater than the
response of the extrapolation chamber. The amount of
over-response increases gradually with increasing angle,
reaching a maximum at about 45°. At beam angles
greater than 45°, the amount of chamber over-response
begins to decline. At a beam angulation of 75°—the high-
est angle of oblique incidence investigated—the chamber
over-response ranges from 1.4 to 1.8. In comparison to
other chambers, the Attix chamber shows a relatively
small amount of over-response at 0°—a factor of about
1.12—with little variation up to a beam angulation of
75°. Angular chamber response at the surface for 24-MV
x-rays is shown in Figure 3.36b. Three of the chambers
show approximately a 1.25 over-response at 0°, while
the Markus chamber over-responds by a factor of approx-
imately 1.4. This over-response increases dramatically
with beam angulation, reaching a maximum between 1.7
and 1.95 at 60°. From 60° to 75°, chamber response
declines for the Markus and the Memorial (circular)
chamber but remains constant for the Capintec and the
Memorial (rectangular) chamber. By comparison, the
Attix chamber shows an over-response of about 1.05 at
0°, with a maximum over-response of 1.2 at 75°.
Again, the amount of over-response of the Attix chamber
is very similar to that exhibited by the extrapolation
chamber with a 2.5-mm plate separation. [35]
From the data shown, electron fluence across a plane-
parallel ionization chamber is disrupted less when the
chamber separation is small, and when the active volume
is isolated from the in-scattering effects of the side walls
of the chamber. This is not only true when high-energy
photons are normally incident upon the chamber, but also
when these beams are obliquely incident upon the chamber.
The output current, i, from an ionization chamber is reduc-
ed from the saturation current, i
, by initial recombination,
back-diffusion to electrodes, and volume recombination.
TABLE 3.12
Effect of Density of Chamber Walls (
Co; 10
field at 80 cm; 5-mm-diameter collector)
0.22 12 3.5 5.8% 17.0%
0.22 22 4.1 3.7% 10.3%
0.22 12 2.0 2.2% 9.7%
0.22 22 2.0 1.3% 5.0%
2.15 12 3.1 26.5% 15.1%
2.15 22 3.1 14.0% 7.8%
Source: From Reference [34]. With permission.
FIGURE 3.34 A suggested design of a fixed-separation parallel-plate ion chamber giving acceptably small side-wall error. (From
Reference [34]. With permission.) 1) Page 119 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:58 AM