Frequency Distribution Dimensions 189
The distance between the two environments is then dened as the mean square root distance
between the ranks of all common species as:
rG rG
(( )()) (
where N is the total number of common species, G
, that appear in both environments. Equation
(5.37) has been used to estimate the distance between each pair of books from a set of nine books,
written by Herbert G. Wells (Dr. Moreau, The Time Machine, and The War of the Worlds), Jules
Verne (20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days, and From the Earth to the
Moon), and Mark Twain (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and
What Is a Man? And Other Essays). The mean distance between books written by different authors
(d = 21.8 ± 2.8) signicantly differs from the distance between books written by the same author
(d = 16.1 ± 1.3), showing that each author has his own hierarchy of words (Havlin 1995). In ecology,
Equation (5.36) and Equation (5.37) have only been applied to the characterization of microscale
spatial heterogeneity in ow cytometrically dened populations of heterotrophic bacteria (Seymour
et al. 2004; see their Figure 5B).
5.5.6 bE y o n d Zi p F ’s la w a n d En T r o p y
This section explores how techniques initially developed for the analysis of natural languages
(Ebeling and Nicolis 1992; Ebeling and Pöschel 1995) and essentially applied to the analysis
of coding and noncoding DNA sequences (Mantegna et al. 1994, 1995; Stanley et al. 1999),
the complexity of time series of electroencephalograms (Graben et al. 2000), and the neuronal
activity of sensory receptors (Steuer et al. 2001) can be more generally applied to the symbolic
dynamics of ecological processes. The basic idea of symbolic dynamics is to represent a con-
tinuous time process (that is, the behavior of an organism) by a series of sequences labeled by
a symbol, each of which corresponds to a state of the system (Alekseev and Yakobson 1981).
For instance, the behavior of the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) can be decomposed into a series
of activities, each identied by a letter. Similarly, behavioral states can be identied in the
swimming behavior of the copepod Centropages hamatus, that is, slow swimming, fast swim-
ming, sinking, and breaking. Subsequent questions of critical ecological relevance are then to
assess the complexity of the behavioral repertoire of the organism in relation to, for example,
interaction with conspecics, humans, and abiotic forcings such as turbulence and pollutants.
These different issues will be illustrated on the basis of the symbolic dynamics of both ferret
and zooplankton hereafter. n-tuple zipf’s law Theory
As stated above, Zipf behavior (Equation 5.16) has been universally observed in analyses of
natural and technical languages. Note that Zipf analysis can be performed on texts of unknown
languages, with the only limitation being the ability to recognize the basic semantic unit: the
word. Conventional Zipf analysis has, however, been criticized since Zipf scaling can emerge in a
purely random symbolic sequence if one character is dened as a “word” delimiter (Mandelbrot
1983; Li 1992). Hence, while the observation of a power-law behavior in a conventional Zipf
analysis is necessary in natural and formal languages, it is not sufcient to prove the existence of
non-Markovian correlations in the analysis of symbolic sequences. Although Zipf analysis can be
performed on texts of unknown languages, a critical limitation is then to be able to identify the
basic semantic unit.
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