Fractal-Related Concepts: Some Clarifications 213
the noise (Figure 6.9B). In contrast, noise-contaminated chaotic systems will steepen the exponen-
tial decay of predictability (Figure 6.9A). Internal noise,* in turn, leads to a nonexponential decay
in the predictability of a nonchaotic system (Figure 6.9B), unless the magnitude of the noise is suf-
cient to drive the system into the unstable chaotic regime (Sugihara 1994) (Figure 6.9B). Second,
the shape of a plot of r as a function of the embedding dimension D
informs on the dimensionality
of the system; chaotic systems show optimal predictability for low embedding dimensions, while
random processes exhibit increasing predictability at higher embedding dimensions. case study: Plankton distribution in turbulent coastal waters Ecological Framework
A range of empirical and theoretical studies have demonstrated that fully developed turbulence is
rather characterized by its multifractal properties (that is, high-order stochasticity and high dimen-
sionality); see, for example, Frisch (1996) and references therein. Ruelle and Takens (1971) also
showed that near the transition to turbulence, the many degrees of freedom of turbulence are cou-
pled coherently and lead to an enormous reduction in dimension (that is, low-order deterministic
chaos emerges). It is then likely that in aquatic environments characterized by uctuating turbu-
lent intensities (for example, shallow coastal and estuarine regions), the structure of both physical
(temperature and salinity) and biological (phytoplankton biomass) parameters vary considerably.
In other words, the dimensionality and predictability of a system might be related to the turbulent
Specically, such transitions between low-order deterministic chaos and high-order stochas-
ticity may be observed in the tidally mixed waters of the eastern English Channel (Figure 4.8),
where turbulence intensities may vary by more than two orders of magnitude over one tidal cycle
(Seuront 2005b; Seuront et al. 2002) and are generally thought to drive phytoplankton biomass
variability (Seuront et al. 1996a, 1996b, 1999). Herein, the goal of this case study is, rst, to nd
out whether time series of physical (temperature and salinity) and biological (phytoplankton bio-
mass) parameters recorded in tidally mixed waters are chaotic or not, and second, to investigate
the potential effects of differential tidal forcing on the chaotic or stochastic nature of the variables
in question. Experimental Procedures and Data Analysis
The sampling experiment was conducted during 60 hours (that is, ve tidal cycles) in a period of
spring tide, from March 28 to 30, 1998, at an anchor station located in the coastal waters of the
eastern English Channel (50°47′300 N, 1°33′500 E) (Figure 4.8). The tidal range in this system
is one of the largest in the world, ranging from 3 to 9 m, and the water column is believed to be
fully homogenized by tide-generated turbulent mixing. Temperature, salinity, and in vivo uores-
cence were simultaneously recorded at 2 Hz from a single depth (5 m) with a SBE 25 Sealogger
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) probe, and a Sea Tech uorometer, respectively. Every hour,
samples of water were taken at 5 meters depth to estimate chlorophyll a concentrations, which
appear signicantly correlated with in vivo uorescence (Kendall’s t = 0.778, p < 0.01). In the fol-
lowing, the latter parameter will then be regarded as a direct estimate of phytoplankton biomass.
To investigate the potential effect of varying turbulent forcings on the local structure of physical and
biological parameters, the data analyzed here consist of 24 time series (labeled from S1 to S24) of
1 hour duration (7200 data points), resampled from the original data set in order to be representative
of the different conditions of tidal current speed and direction, taken every 10 minutes, from the
sampling depth (Table 6.1).
Time-series analysis requires the assumption of at least reduced stationarity; that is, the mean
and the variance of a time series depend only on its length and not on the absolute time (Legendre
Now Equations (6.2) and (6.3), respectively, rewrite as x
= a(x
+ e(t))(1 − (x
+ e(t)) and x
= a(x
+ e(t)) − a (x
+ e(t))
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