222 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
and therefore no evidence of low-order deterministic chaos, exists whatever the hydrodynamic con-
ditions (Figure 6.15C). As previously shown for temperature and salinity time series, no signicant
differences exist between the correlation dimensions v. These results conrm the previous lack of
convergence of uorescence LLE (see Figure 6.13C), and indicate that there is no evidence for deter-
ministic chaos in the temporal uctuations of phytoplankton biomass time series. Discussion Phase-Space Portraits
The Packard-Takens method is probably the fastest and most direct method to infer the potential
existence of deterministic chaos. Creating the phase-space attractor of a system with a computer
is a very simple task. All that is needed is the copy of the data le, paste it shifted by one, two, or
more places, and plot the data. Thus, a subjective assessment of the “degree of randomness” can be
reached almost instantaneously from this kind of plot. It is nevertheless stressed that the charac-
teristic shape of the attractor is not easy to describe in simple terms. Figure 6.12 shows projections
of phase-space trajectories onto three-dimensional space, so that the fact that no attractors can be
seen does not imply that they do not exist when embedding in higher-dimensional space. However,
a strange attractor of higher-dimensional space often reects its shape onto the lower-dimensional
space as well. For instance, the trajectory onto the two-dimensional phase-space (embedding dimen-
sion E = 2 in Equation 6.10), reconstructed from the time series of variable x of the Lorenz equa-
tions, shows a clear strange attractor (Figure 6.8B). These results can then instead be regarded as a
qualitative prerequisite analysis and demonstrate that inferring the existence of any deterministic
structure beyond the highly uctuating behavior exhibited by temperature, salinity, and in vivo
uorescence time series (Figure 6.10) is a far more difcult task. Largest Lyapunov Exponents
The LLE estimates quantitatively conrm the subjective results of the Packard-Takens method, that
is, a lower-dimensional behavior in low hydrodynamic conditions for temperature and salinity time
series, and a higher-dimensional behavior for phytoplankton biomass time series that did not exhibit
any convergent behavior of their LLE for values of the embedding dimension E up to 10 irrespec-
tive of the hydrodynamical conditions. What may be regarded as being very important for ecolo-
gists is that, unlike fractal dimensions, Lyapunov exponents remain well dened in the presence
of dynamical noise and can be estimated by methods that explicitly incorporate noise (Ellner et al.
1991; Nychka et al. 1992). This leads us to consider that estimating Lyapunov exponents is the best
approach for detecting chaos in ecological systems (Hastings et al. 1993). A number of limitations
in Lyapunov exponent estimates to detect deterministic chaos can, however, be raised and regards
both estimate accuracy and the minimum number of data points required in the analysis.
First, although the algorithm used in this chapter (Wolf et al. 1985) provides a good estimation
of the largest Lyapunov exponents for noise-free, synthetically generated time series from cha-
otic dynamics, the estimation for experimental time series is still relatively imprecise (Rodriguez-
Iturbe et al. 1989). Second, it has been stressed that to detect a chaotic attractor of dimension 3, at
least 1,000 to 30,000 data points are needed (Wolf et al. 1985), while others (Ramsey and Yuan
1989) found that 5,000 data points is a lower bound for the detection of chaos on some simple
dynamical systems known to display chaotic behaviors in certain regimes. Moreover, Vassilicos et
al. (1993) demonstrated how the tests for chaos can give positive answers—for example, positive
Lyapunov exponents—when subsamples with a smaller number of data points are used, and how
these Lyapunov exponents converge to zero when the number of data points is increased.
The latter limitation has been specied through estimates of the largest Lyapunov exponents of
the larger original time series (that is, 172,800 data points) of temperature, salinity, and in vivo uo-
rescence that were divided into 24 subsections of 7,200 points in the present work. Subsequent results
(Figure 6.16A) then indicated that LLEs of temperature, salinity, and phytoplankton biomass time
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