240 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
The existence of self-similar hierarchies (that is, changes in fractal dimension when shifting
between scales) also implies that in place of true self-similarity, we observe only partial self-
similarity over a limited range of scales separated by transition zones, where the environmental
properties or constraints acting upon organisms are probably changing rapidly (Frontier 1987;
Seuront and Lagadeuc 1997; Seuront et al. 1999). Because different scales are necessarily related
to different aspects of structure, fractal methods can be applied in order to detect self-similar hierar-
chies in ecology. Such hierarchical scaling has been observed, for instance, in coral reefs (Bradbury
et al. 1984), from patch perimeter measures in deciduous forests (Krummel et al. 1987), vegetation
patterns (Morse et al. 1985), landscapes (Wiens and Milne 1989; Scheuring 1991), phytoplankton
patches (Seuront et al. 1996a, 1999), and from Eulerian and Lagrangian physical forcings in the
coastal ocean (Seuront et al. 1996b; Seuront and Schmitt 2004). As a conclusion, the fractal dimen-
sion may have the desirable feature of only being constant over a nite, instead of an innite, range
of measurement scales; see, for example, Section and Figure 4.6 for a discussion of the rel-
evance of scaling regimes changing with scales in aquatic sciences.
In addition, upper and lower fractal limits are controlled by the size of the data set and should not
be confused with scales where the fractal dimension of the pattern changes. This distinction is very
useful for identifying characteristic scales of variability and for comparing patterns and processes
that may respond, for instance, to the structure of their environment at different absolute scales. As
a consequence, comparing fractal dimensions estimated from different ranges of scales is meaning-
less unless we know that both the environmental properties (or constraints) acting upon organisms
and the organisms’ physiology/biology/ecology are the same over these scales. Changes in the value
of D
with scale may indicate that a new set of processes is controlling the observed variability.
Thus, the scale dependence of the fractal dimension over nite ranges of scales may carry more
information, both in terms of driving processes and sampling limitation, than its scale indepen-
dence over a hypothetical innite range of scales. This issue is particularly relevant in aquatic
sciences, where any divergence to a −5/3 power law in Fourier space is used to infer the nature of
the processes controlling the observed variability (Section Both whitening and reddening
of the −5/3 power spectrum expected in cases of purely passive scalars advected by turbulent uid
motions are then a manifestation of various forms of biological activity; see, for example, Powell
et al. (1975), Denman and Platt (1976), Denman et al. (1977), Lekan and Wilson (1978), Abbott et
al. (1982), Weber et al. (1986), Powell and Okubo (1994), Seuront et al. (1996a, 1999), Seuront and
Lagadeuc (2001), Lovejoy et al. (2001), and Currie and Roff (2006).
Alternatively, although the point of slope change may indicate the operational scale of different
generative processes, it might simply reect the limited spatial resolution of the data being analyzed
(Hamilton et al. 1992; Kenkel and Walker 1993; Gautestad and Mysterud 1993). In order to distin-
guish these two situations, and thus to ensure the relevance of fractal analysis, one needs to be able
to examine a given set at a variety of spatial (or temporal) scales. A data set has fractal limits and,
as stated above, outside these limits methods to measure the fractal dimension will return a trivial
value. Falconer (1993) recommends having at least three orders of magnitude between these limits
to ensure the relevance of fractal analysis. However, this requirement can be reconsidered consider-
ing the extreme difculty in gathering such a large number of discrete measurements in ecology, as
well as the ecologically meaningful results obtained from data sets spanning between one and two
orders of magnitude (Erlandson and Kostylev 1995; Seuront and Lagadeuc 1997, 1998; Commito
and Rusignuolo 2000; Waters and Mitchell 2002). Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to test
scale invariance and measure a fractal dimension of very small data sets.
Finally, multiple scaling should not be confused with multifractality, another possible deviation
from fractal behavior, sometimes also referred to as multiscaling (Martinez et al. 1995; Seuront et al.
1999) or multifractal scaling (Rigaut 1991; Manrubia and Solé 1996), and extensively described hereaf-
ter (Chapter 8). This confusion is nevertheless quite common in the literature. For instance, Manrubia
and Solé (1996) state that “the existence of several successive structures, reected in the gentle change
in D
, constitutes evidence for multifractal scaling”; Millán and Orellana (2001) dened multifractals
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